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Sunday, November 29, 2020

Want green electricity? Better have plenty of green money in your wallet ... and a supply of candles in your home !

Three charts for Germany are above, and the last chart is for the U.K.. 

They show how erratic the output of solar and wind power are during a month. And how they make electricity too expensive. 


Of all countries, Germany, Denmark and the United Kingdom are the wind energy countries far ahead in the price of electricity. 

More green energy = less green money left in your wallet.


And for the extra money you get a less reliable supply of electricity too. 

Germany’s 110 GW of solar and wind energy capacity produced almost no electricity over five days in November. 

So 300,000 households lost their renewables electricity, but good old fossil fuel and and nuclear power plants kept the German electric grid from collapsing. 

Unfortunately, part time "emergency" use of conventional power plants is expensive for full time staffing, even when no power is being generated, and expensive moving parts wear our faster from the stop-start cycles.