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Wednesday, December 1, 2021

"Low Temperature Records Continue to Fall Across Europe, Australia's NSW Suffers Coldest November On Record"


"Cold records which have stood for more than 50 years are falling across Europe this week as a brutal blast of Arctic air rides unusually-far south on the back of a weak and wavy meridional jet stream flow

— a phenomenon tied to the historically low solar activity we’ve been experiencing in recent years.

In the city of Grenoble –located in southeastern France at an elevation of 384m (1,260ft)– a record-breaking low of -10C (14F) was registered on Tuesday November 30, according to data released by Météo France.

This reading is set to enter the books as Grenoble’s lowest November temperature since 1971–when the all-time Nov low (of -10.9C/12.4F) was set.

Exceptional lows have also swept France’s higher elevations in recent days, where deep snow cover –even at elevations below 1,000m (3,280ft)– have assisted the mercury in tumbling to levels nearing -20C (-4F).

On Tuesday, the village of Combe de l’Oscence suffered a low of -19.6C (-3.3F);

Lans en Vercors-Les Bruyères observed -19.4C (-2.9F); and

Méaudre experienced -19.2C (-2.6F)

— all are exceptionally rare readings for this early in the season ...

The snow has also been heavy in and around these parts, where they have been measuring totals in the meters:

Blizzards and sizable snowdrifts haven’t just been confined to the alpine regions of France; disruptive accumulations have also buffeted lower elevations, particularly to the east.

... Italy, like France, has also been suffering an unusually early start to winter.

On Tuesday, November 30, a low of -15C (5F) was logged at Fusine, a region of NW Italy located at 800m (2,600ft) — this is a historically cold reading for the time of year, and one that contributed to the heavy snowfall in the area.

Fusine borders both Austria and Slovenia where exceptional chills have also been registered:
    The village of Ratece in Slovenia, for example, reported -12.5C (9.5F) on Nov 30 — another record low, while early season snow has also been reported across the nation with totals nearing 50cm (1.64ft) in some alpine regions:

Poland is also reeling from Arctic conditions, with the country’s Institute of Meteorology issuing warnings for dangerous, heavy snowfall, particularly in the south, starting Wednesday, December 1. ...

In the UK, farmers have been left counting the cost of Storm Arwen, with one business estimating $93,000 worth of damage.

The powerful winter storm lashed parts of the UK with extreme winds, rain and heavy snow over the weekend, and claimed the lives of at least three people.

Early reports from farmers indicate that the damage is substantial, with many still waiting on roads to open and power to be restored.

Australia’s NSW Suffers Coldest November On Record

Australia’s New South Wales has just recorded its coldest November ever.

It was also the state’s wettest November on record, with rainfall records spanning more than a century tumbling ...

Predictably, Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) gives the rains all the headlines, and buries the record cold in the footnotes.

The public has been trained to associate flooding with global warming, whereas all-time low temperatures are something of a harder sell.

Overall, the state did indeed record almost three times its average November rainfall–breaking a record from 1917, but these rains can be attributed to the same cosmological forcings responsible for the historic cold.

... Back to NSW’s record cold November –which broke every previous benchmarks running back to the 1800s– this is all the BOM had to say:

    “We’re currently in a La Niña and these are obviously La Niña like conditions.” "