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Saturday, April 23, 2022

Climate alarmist declares: 'There's no way to solve the climate crisis without ending capitalism'


"People around the globe continue to promote climate alarmism, warning that the world must act to avert a supposed crisis. And in some cases, proponents of this ideology openly advocate for the redistribution of wealth and the end of capitalism.

"There's no way to solve the climate crisis without ending capitalism," Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis tweeted on Friday. "Constant economic growth cannot exist on a planet with finite resources."

"The good news is that moving towards sharing economies, local control, low-carbon work like art & care, and dismantling colonialism is the world God longs for us to enjoy. The work to save a habitable planet is the future we deserve," Lewis tweeted.

Constant economic growth cannot exist
on a planet with finite resources.
— Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis
(@Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis)

NASA climate scientist Peter Kalmus tweeted, "As I often say, we can't solve Earth breakdown without a redistribution of wealth from the rich to the poor and justice for most affected peoples, and we need to raise up their voices. My message shouldn't really be "polarizing" to anyone but the rich and fossil fuel executives."

"The reason I'm not a fan of Earth Day is that it's so mismatched from what we're facing. It's almost insulting. Earth is our mother, we owe everything we have to her, and she needs to be priority #1. Taking care of her necessarily means a just distribution of resources as well," Kalmus has also tweeted.

The European Commission and the International Energy Agency are suggesting that people cut down on energy usage by taking actions such as driving slower on highways and changing the temperature to which they set the thermostat:

"Using less energy is a concrete way for Europeans to reduce their bills, cut reliance on Russian fossil fuels, demonstrate solidarity with the Ukrainian people, and support climate action," a report declares.

Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York said during a town hall event on Wednesday that there has been discussion about a need for affluent countries to commit to transferring wealth so other nations can shift toward using renewable energy."