Serious scientists studying climate history have never found carbon dioxide (CO2) to be the climate controller at any time during the 4.5 billion years of Earth's existence.
Recent claims that CO2 is the 'climate controller' refer only to the period after 1975 … with no attempt to explain why this was not true for the 4.5 billion years before 1975.
The alleged coming climate change catastrophe is always "coming in the future".
It has been "coming in the future" for 40 years so far.
In my opinion will always be "coming in the future".
In plain English: A global warming catastrophe will never arrive !
Predictions of a coming climate catastrophe are based on an incorrect "carbon pollution" theory (a fantasy that only leftists seem to believe).
Climate Change 101:
Earth's climate is always changing.
Humans do make parts of our planet warmer -- towns and cities are warmer than surrounding rural areas -- that means population growth and economic growth do cause local warming.
Urbanization can have a big effect on local thermometers … and an effect on the average temperature of our planet: Although humans live on less than 2% of the surface, surface thermometers are usually near people!
There is no other proven human effect on climate or temperature.
Dark soot on the ice and snow in the Arctic, from burning coal in the Northern Hemisphere, may explain significant local warming there after 1975.
The theory that rising CO2 "carbon emissions" have more than a minor effect on Earth's average temperature remains an unproven theory.
And that theory looks wrong after the flat average temperature trend for the past 12 to 15 years.
And that theory looks wrong after the flat average temperature trend for the past 12 to 15 years.
It was roughly 1970 when climate science started as a separate field of science in the US.
Some climate scientists got national attention in 1975 by predicting a coming climate catastrophe from global cooling.
Global warming gradually became the preferred boogeyman after 1975.
I use 1975 as the starting date for the current climate change catastrophe cult -- a cult that has provided 40 years of wrong climate predictions so far!
Right after the global cooling scaremongering in 1975, two decades of global warming started in 1976, and those two decades have been used to demonize CO2.
But the global warming trend was brief, peaking in 1998, per global average temperatures compiled from weather satellites.
Satellites measure in a consistent environment not affected by economic growth around the thermometers, which is a serious problem with surface thermometers.
Since 1880 there had been warming from 1910 to 1940 (surface measurements), and again from 1976 to 1998 (satellite measurements since 1979).
The warming from 1976 to 1998 was mainly in the northern half of the Northern Hemisphere
(also mainly at night during the colder months)
The actual warming is far from what most people assume after hearing the term "global warming".
Why didn't you know that before reading it here?
Because the leftists leading the climate change cult are always dishonest when dishonesty helps support their "cause".
Because the leftists leading the climate change cult are always dishonest when dishonesty helps support their "cause".
Primary source for information that follows:
Who started the coming global warming catastrophe alarmism?
Two people most responsible for climate alarmism are:
(1) Mostafa Kamal Tolba (Egypt),
headed the UNEP for 17 years,
from 1975 until 1992, and
(2) Maurice Strong (Canada),
the first head of the UNEP,
UN under-secretary,
and organizer of Rio 1992 Earth Summit
The three UN agencies heavily involved:
(1) UNEP (United Nations Environment Program):
headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya.
(2) WMO (World Meteorological Organization):
headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.
(3) ICSU (International Council of Scientific Unions,
now called International Council for Science):
headquartered in Paris, France.
Major Alarmist Activities in 1985 through 1988:
2nd Villach (Austria) Conference.
Organized by the UNEP, WMO, and ICSU.
AGGG (Advisory Group on Greenhouse Gases),
created by the UNEP, WMO, and ICSU.
The AGGG was a predecessor of the IPCC.
Toronto Conference (Canada)
Organized by the UNEP, WMO,
and the Canadian Government.
This conference led to global warming alarmism even though scientists were fewer than 15% of the delegates.
This is the strategy they used, that's still in use today:
It was simply declared that all climate alarmist claims from this conference were the new “scientific consensus”.
IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change)
established by the UNEP and WMO,
as a more muscular replacement for the AGGG.
The IPCCs assignment was to blame global warming on humans -- not to study climate change without bias.
The USA is missing from this list, despite its scientists conducting almost all the climate research in the world.
Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
(1) World Wildlife Fund (WWF):
founded in Switzerland,
HQ in Switzerland,
Annual Revenue: $850 million
(2) Greenpeace:
founded in Canada,
HQ in Netherlands,
Annual Revenue: $370 million
(3) Friends of Earth International (FOE):
founded in Netherlands.
(4) Climate Action Network (CAN):
founded in Hanover, Germany.
HQ initially in Washington, DC
HQ moved to Beirut, Lebanon in 2012
(5) International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), called World Conservation Union:
founded in 1948,
HQ in Switzerland.
The USA is missing from this list too.
These five NGOs have access to closed meetings of “scientists” and government representatives, allowing them to become the main sources of information the media uses to whip up climate hysteria.