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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Surface (manipulated) vs. Satellite (accurate) temperature data

UAH and RSS are NASA satellite compilations.

They are the only global data available, because satellites cover almost all the globe except for small areas around the poles.

Satellite data are confirmed by weather balloon data.

They measure in the troposphere, where any warming caused by greenhouse gasses would be much higher than near the surface of our planet.

Satellites provide the most accurate average temperature data.

That's why the warmunists ignore them -- satellite data their data are never even mentioned in NASA "warmest year on record" press releases. 

GISSTemp and HadCRUT4 are surface measurements including more wild guesses ("infilling") than actual data -- and then "adjusted" to show whatever the bureaurcrats want to tell the public (especially in recent years) ... which means they adjust the data to match their prior computer game projections!