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Sunday, February 21, 2016
Global warming not steady year after year
The chart above ends in 2009. If it had continued to 2015, there would be a third flat temperature trend between the EL Nino peak in 1998 (shown) and the current El Nino peak in 2015/2016 (not shown on chart).
These very rough surface temperature measurements, started with 1880s thermometers that tended to read low, (exaggerating the warming), and frequently "adjusted" by goobermint bureaucrats (always exaggerating the warming), do not show the pattern of warming that should be expected from greenhouse gasses!
Greenhouse gas warming would be steady year after year -- not three separate and similar rising trends followed by three separate and similar flat trends (one not shown on chart.
The UN's IPCC only blames CO2 for the third rising trend (right side of chart), with CO2 not blamed for the prior two similar warming trends ... but there is no explanation of why natural causes of climate change for the first two warming trends suddenly stopped (after 4.5 billion years, to be precise), and by some miracle never explained CO2 suddenly became the "climate controller" in the 1970s!
Just politics from the UN's IPCC, not real science.