You can fight this 40 year-old leftist climate change fantasy with facts from this short post.
You will have to assert yourself after you hear a leftist spout his slanted "truth" about climate change … as if anyone knows what the future climate will be !
You will have to learn a little about climate science before you assert yourself.
Although leftists generally think they know everything, and will debate nothing, you may personally know one or two leftists who will listen to you for a minute, without character attacking you, if you are armed with just a few simple facts:
(1) No one can predict the future climate - official predictions have been consistently wrong for the past 40 years.
Memorize this fact.
When you say this to someone, pause and wait for their response.
Their response will be nonsense, such as "the science is settled", or "do you deny climate science", or "scientists say … ".
Respond by re-stating the fact … and pause again.
The entire climate change fantasy is based on a prediction of the future climate … but we already have 40 years of wrong predictions to refute the current predictions!
If you need more climate facts,
here they are:
(2) There was no warming from 2003 to 2015, in spite of a huge increase of man made CO2 in the air -- why?,
(3) There was cooling from 1940 to 1975, in spite of a huge increase of man made CO2 in the air -- why?,
(4) There was warming from 1910 to 1940, in spite of almost no increase of man made CO2 in the air -- why?,
(5) The warming from 1910 to 1940 was almost the same as the warming from 1975 to 2003 … yet the first warming is never blamed on humans, while the second warming is always blamed on humans.
Yet there's no explanation why natural variations caused one warming, but allegedly not the next warming, in the same century.
(6) There is no scientific proof carbon dioxide controls the climate, or that man made CO2 caused any of the slight warming very roughly estimated for the past 150 years.
There is no evidence in the past 4.5 billion years of Earth's climate history, that carbon dioxide levels in the air ever controlled the climate.
(7) Climate history studies using ice cores show that warming happened BEFORE the CO2 level increased in the past half-million years.
-- Natural warming of oceans caused them to release some of their dissolved carbon dioxide into the air.
-- Temperatures peaked hundreds of years BEFORE the CO2 levels peaked.
Earth's climate in 2016
is better than it has been
in hundreds of years:
- More CO2 in the air makes green plants grow faster, and
- Nighttime low temperatures are slightly warmer than 150 years ago.
Earth's climate has been unusually stable in the past 150 years, especially in the past 15 years.
Leftists promote BIG GOVERNMENT SOCIALISM as the only "solution" to 'save the Earth' from climate change … but the climate change fantasy is based entirely on two completely false claims:
(1) Carbon dioxide controls the climate, and
(2) The future climate can be predicted from estimates of future levels of CO2 in the air.
This is not scaremongering with no purpose.
The coming climate change catastrophe is leftist propaganda used to scare people into wanting a bigger and more powerful central government (to save them from the catastrophe!) ... just like every other now forgotten false environmental catastrophe they've been hysterical about in the past, starting with DDT in the 1960s.