Models developed by leftists all have the same output: "Life on Earth will end as we know it, unless everyone does as we say without question."
inputs can be on any subject: global cooling, global warming, acid
rain, hole in the ozone layer, ocean acidification, exploding silicone
breast implants, GMO foods, etc.
Different boogeyman.
Same scary predictions.
count on the stupidity of the general public to accept their fantasies
of doom, and allow their government to seize more power over the private
sector, which is always said to be the "only" solution to the coming (imaginary) catastrophe ... that will never come.
Actually, it doesn't matter if a catastrophe ever comes -- it only matters if enough people BELIEVE a catastrophe is coming.
It's not surprising that so many people will believe scary predictions of the future.
People allow leaders to control them with promises of rewards (such as, you go to heaven) and/or punishments (such as, you go to hell, or climate change will turn the whole Earth into "hell").
There's no proof any of this will happen -- there's no evidence -- there's no science.
Just predictions of the future by people with no ability to predict the future.
I know it offends many people for me to dismiss all unproven beliefs based on faith.
But that's what the coming global warming catastrophe is.
(1) Some people believe their future will be spent in heaven or hell, with no proof.
(2) Some people believe a coming climate catastrophe will turn Earth into a hell for everyone, with no proof.
Two different "religions".
What surprises me is that people who believe in one, will dismiss the other.
To be scientific (act like a logical, unemotional Vulcan on Star Trek), you can not accept unproven beliefs, both secular and religious, on faith.
who claim we are already in the early stages of runaway global warming
caused by manmade CO2 .... FIRST have to prove the current climate is
abnormal, or even unusual.
That proof does not exist.
There is no evidence for claiming the current climate is abnormal, unusual or even unpleasant.
is evidence for claiming the current climate is better than it has been
for at least 500 years, for humans, animals and plants.