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Friday, November 25, 2016

Hysterical vs. Historical Climate

There are three types of climate:

(1) Historical climate = Real Climate

(2) Today’s climate = Real Climate

(3) Future (hysterical) climate = Fantasy Climate

The climate change "warmunists" live almost entirely in (3) Fantasy Climate Land.

Once a month they visit (2) Today's Climate and declare it is so hot you could fry an egg on a bald men's head ... or some other way of exaggerating a rough estimate that our planet is slightly (+1 degree C.) warmer than 135 years ago, +/- 1 degree C.

They never mention Earth is always warming or cooling -- so the average temperature is not going to stay the same over any 100 year period.

They never mention the centuries from 1250 to 1850 had some unusually cold periods when solar energy was low (low sunspot counts).

They never mention that some warming since then is VERY good news, because no one liked the cold periods in prior centuries.

They never mention their measurements start in 1880, which is during a warming period that started in 1850 -- which means new warm temperature records are to be expected until that warming period ends, and a cooling period begins. 

They never mention the "records" are ONLY for the most recent 135 year period -- which is a speck of dust relative to Earth's 4.5 billion year existence.

They never mention that in Earth's history, geologists find that no warming or cooling period ever failed to end.

They never mention Canada was covered by ice 20,000 years ago, and it is not there any more -- impossible to blame that warming entirely on manmade CO2 !

The warmunists never mention a lot of facts needed to understand climate science -- they want the public to know as little as possible.

According to warmunists, the future climate is known with great certainly -- runaway global warming is ahead.

Meanwhile, the historical climate keeps "changing", from repeated “adjustments” to the raw temperature data by government bureaucrats.

The result is the warmunists claim to "know" all about the future, that has not happened yet ... yet they "have to" keep adjusting the historical data to get it “right” ... and its no surprise to me that most of the "adjustments" increase the warming since 1880.

Wild guesses about the future climate are not science.

The wild guesses have been wrong for the past 40 years.

Wild guess predictions are non-science … and nonsense.

Fantasy Climate Land is nonsense.

It's sad that so many people love a fantasy.

It's sad that so many people treat saving the Earth from CO2 as their religion ... when Earth would benefit from more CO2 in the air, not less, as every greenhouse owner who uses a CO2 enrichment system already knows.

A large majority of scientific evidence supports having more CO2 in the air, not less, to accelerate green plant growth and reduce their water requirements too.

If the additional CO2 caused any warming, it would be mild warming, mainly reducing the lowest temperatures at night, which is also good news.

There is no historical evidence that CO2 levels in the past 4.5 billion years -- up to 20x higher than today -- ever controlled the climate, or caused runaway warming.

Repeating the coming climate change catastrophe lie again and again does not make it true.

Fantasy Climate Land is a hoax to scare people, and persuade them to demand that their government do something --- and that "something" would be expanding government power and telling people how to live. 

Fantasy Climate Land is the latest propaganda tool to sell socialism and redistribution of wealth from rich to poor nations.

I will do anything I can to refute climate scaremongering and other leftist lies.

Of course if the CO2 boogeyman stops scaring people, the leftists will invent another boogeyman, such as acid rain, global cooling, hole in the ozone layer, exploding silicone breast implants, GMO foods, ocean acidification, etc. ... and of course we will be told the new boogeyman can "only" fought by a bigger, more powerful government !