This free blog is a public service for people who have been brainwashed by the mainstream media / left-wing teachers into demonizing fossil fuels.
And for people who have been ridiculed or character attacked for revealing even the slightest doubt about the accuracy of 40 years of (wrong) predictions of a coming global warming catastrophe!
What's different about this blog:
(1) I try to keep the posts simple for non-scientists,
(2) I cover the politics of scaring people to control them,
(3) I don't make predictions of the future climate, and
(4) I don't believe in things without proof they exist.
Number (4) is worth discussing in more detail, even though it tends to offend people (but this blog is not written to win friends -- it is written as a public service to refute the demonization of carbon dioxide for political purposes):
Many people have religious beliefs, such as bad people going to "hell" after they die.
Many people have secular beliefs, such as global warming turning Earth onto "hell" for everyone living on the planet.
I call the global warming cult a secular religion.
All these beliefs, religious and secular, are anti-science.
They are all fairy tales to me.
I always wonder about religious people who believe that God, heaven and hell exist, with no proof -- are they not similar to people who believe in a coming global warming catastrophe, with no proof?
If we want to be scientific and logical, we should not have unproven or unproveable beliefs.
And we should be very skeptical when someone says we are doomed unless we do as he says!
Religious leaders use the alleged reward / punishment of heaven / hell to control people.
Secular leaders use the alleged 'hell on Earth from global warming' to control people.
This strategy has worked well for centuries.
I reject all false scares, religious and secular, used to control people.
I reject people who claim they can predict the future -- especially when they act as dictators by claiming something bad is going to happen unless you do as they say!
November 19, 2016 was our 33rd wedding anniversary. In 1987 we bought our first house -- the smallest house in wealthy Bingham Farms, Michigan, and we still live there.
We lived four miles south, in an apartment that was actually larger than our house, from 1980 to 1987. And in a smaller apartment, ten miles south, from 1977 to 1980.
That long period of time living in the same area makes it easy to observe the climate.
If there had been any global warming here, it was too small to notice.
In fact, the winter of 2013/2014 was very cold, with record snowfall, and the water meter in my garage froze and cracked for the first time since 1987.
I'll never forget paying the water company $300 for a new one!
I submit that our climate observations from our home in Bingham Farms are useful evidence that the climate has barely changed in southeastern Michigan since 1987.
But government bureaucrat wild guess predictions of the climate 50 to 100 years in the future are not evidence of anything.
They are computer game nonsense, with no predictive ability, completely wasting the taxpayers' money.
(1) I support a war against real air, water and land pollution, as in China and India, and
(2) I condemn "environmentalists" for ignoring that real pollution, and falsely demonizing harmless carbon dioxide, which is airborne plant food.
More CO2 in the air is already greening the Earth -- even more CO2 in the air would be better news for green plants.
Based on the experience of greenhouse owners, I favor doubling or tripling the current CO2 level, and
(3) I have no idea if Donald Trump will be a success, but I do love the fact that he has called "climate change" a "hoax."
As usual, Trump didn't have enough depth of knowledge to be precise.
Climate change is constant on our planet -- not a hoax.
Claims that CO2 levels control the average temperature are an unproven theory, with much evidence the theory is wrong,
Claims that the future average temperature can be predicted are the hoax.
Claims that 97% of scientists agree on the future climate are a lie.
Claims that the future climate will be a catastrophe are a belief supported by no evidence = a meaningless left-wing fairy tale used to scare and control people.