Most politicians live in a world of conclusions based on their beliefs and feelings.
Data are not required.
If data exist that contradict their conclusions, they don't care.
They ignore contradictory data.
They "adjust" data they own to match their beliefs.
They fabricate meaningless data, such as computer game predictions of the future climate.
The coming global warming catastrophe is a leftist fantasy.
It is used to scare people.
Leftists want people to fear Earth is going to become a secular version of "hell".
They claim it's all predicted in their secular "bible" -- the IPCC Summary Report for Policymakers.
The secular "pope" used to be Al Gore, but now the Catholic Pope is also the global warming "pope".
The coming global warming catastrophe has been a fantasy for at least 40 years so far.
Roughly 97% of climate model predictions have been wrong.
One model in Russia seems reasonable, but with a 97% model failure rate, the correlation of predictions and reality is very likely to be just a coincidence.
Leftists make ridiculous predictions of climate doom that anyone who goes outside would have to doubt.
Most important is how smarmy leftists cut off debate with Saul Alinsky-style character attacks.
For those leftists willing to "debate"— which is rare — the “debate” is steered to minor points, such as:
— Was 2015 really the hottest year?
— Are the average temperature "adjustments" proper?
— Is the claimed +/- 0.1 degree margin of error reasonable?
— Where is the high definition video and audio, with a notarized affidavit signed by every climate modeler, to prove they are colluding to fool the public?
Of course there is clear proof of climate modeler group-think and collusion to hide all doubts and disagreements, and present a grossly overconfident climate prediction to the general public.
The proof is in hacked ClimateGate emails.
But leftists refuse to accept hacked emails as evidence ... unless they make Republicans look bad !
Most skeptics are silenced with character attacks and bitter ridicule.
If that doesn't work, "debates" are aimed at minor details — tenths of a degree here, hundredths of a degree there.
By directing debate toward minor details, climate scaremongers avoid debate on several false steps they take up the "assumption ladder."
Here are the four false assumptions leftists refuse to debate:
(1) Humans can predict the future average temperature ?
Evidence is missing, after 40 years of wrong predictions.
(2) The current climate is abnormal ?
Evidence is missing.
The climate is wonderful today.
And no one knows what a ‘normal’ climate is, because there are no real-time temperature data for 99.9999% of Earth's climate history.
(3) CO2 is the ‘climate controller’ ?
Evidence is missing that CO2 has ever controlled the climate at any time in the past 4.5 billion years.
If CO2 did control the climate, and the greenhouse theory was correct, there would have been runaway warming billions of years ago, and no one would be here today scaremongering about global warming.
(4) +2 degree C. of warming would be a catastrophe ?
Evidence is missing -- the average temperature has ALREADY increased at least + 2 degrees C., and it has been good news!
Starting from the 1690’s cold climate during the Maunder (sunspot) Minimum period of low solar energy, to the peak heat during the late 2015 / 2016 El Nino cycle, we've already had + 2 degrees C. of global warming!
Based on anecdotal information, humans are happy with today’s mild climate, but were miserable, and there were famines, during the unusually cold 1690's.