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Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Climate Alarmism = Greatest Hoax in History

Climate alarmism is the greatest hoax in history.

The main evidence for catastrophic anthropogenic global warming
(CAGW), is climate computer models built by CAGW supporters.

The models have no predictive power -- they have 40 years of wrong predictions so far.

They are wrong because because climate is a coupled non-linear chaotic system -- in plain English that means climate is impossible to predict.

Without the models, the whole coming global warming catastrophe hoax collapses.

The global warming hoax rests on the fact that most people have no idea that global climate models are nothing more than personal opinions disguised as science.

People who develop the models support CAGW because almost all work for governments, and government grants almost always go only to CAGW supporters.

Global warming alarmism is nothing more than an attempt to scare people, using  computer models with no predictive ability, with the goal of controlling people and getting more tax revenues from them.

Democrats say they want cap and trade to control CO2 ... but they really want cap and trade so the Federal Government will get more income for increased spending.

Very little science knowledge is needed to understand the global warming scam, because very little science supports the scam.

Wild guess predictions of the future climate were never science to begin with.

40 years of wrong predictions proves that.

The 1930s used to include the hottest average year in the US
(since data were compiled in 1880).

But those data contradicted the global warming scam, so the data were quietly "adjusted" again and again by federal bureaucrats.

Now the "official" hottest US year is no longer in the 1930s.

But most state governments say their own hottest year was in the 1930s.

Why the contradictions?

Because the federal bureaucrats did not own, and were not allowed to "adjust", individual state temperature historical data, that's why!

The climate change scam is 90% politics and 10% science.