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Saturday, November 12, 2016
Dear Mr. President-Elect Trump
Climate change got very little attention during the campaign.
It should get no attention during your administration.
"I don't know" summarizes the current state of climate "science", but few scientists are willing to admit that.
Even skeptics.
In America, people who say "I don't know" are ignored by the media, even if they are correct.
Climate "science" is not real science:
Bureaucrats claim the future temperature is known with certainty, which is a lie.
They repeatedly change past temperature raw data with "adjustments" that create more "warming", which is another lie.
Predictions of mild warming caused by CO2 are based on an unproven theory from 1896.
Even if you believe the greenhouse theory, the warming from CO2 would be very mild -- people would like it -- and there would be no runaway warming.
Unfortunately, the 1896 theory has been grossly distorted by the recent invention of a 'positive feedback theory'.
That theory, invented out of thin air, claims mild warming from CO2 will be tripled by additional water vapor in the air.
A system with positive feedback is not stable, and we would not be here to debate climate change if the theory was true!
In fact, the feedback is much more likely to be negative -- reducing the effect of CO2, assuming there is one.
That would explain why Earth has had more CO2 in the air for most of its 4.5 billion year life, but has never had runaway warming.
The climate computer games have a 40-year record of wrong temperature predictions,
Claims of what more CO2 in the air will do to our planet are nothing more than wild guess speculation, not worth reading,
NASA reports the average temperature in hundredths of a degree C., when the true margin of error is about +/- 0.5 degrees C. -- excessive decimal places are politics, not science, and
The key problem of climate "science" is the claim that the future climate can be predicted.
That's a particularly bizarre claim after 40 years of wrong predictions by the climate computer games!
The only prediction likely to be correct:
"The climate will get warmer, or colder".
Question 1:
"How much global warming will we cause, and by when"
My answer:
No one knows if humans have caused any global warming.
There was slight warming from 1910 to 1940, attributed to natural causes.
There was a similar slight warming from 1975 to 2005, but without any proof, it was attributed to humans.
More CO2 in the air makes green plants grow faster -- that good news is rarely reported.
There is no proof more CO2 in the air caused any of the slight warming since 1850, but there is scientific evidence of the opposite -- natural warming causes more CO2 in the air.
Ice core studies showed CO2 level peaks were 500 to 1,000 years after temperature peaks.
Natural causes of warming in the past one million years warmed the oceans, and the warming oceans released some of their dissolved CO2 -- just like a cold soda left outside on a hot day gradually loses its carbonation!
No matter what the cause of the slight warming since 1850: The warming was good news because prior centuries were too cool.
And the cool periods between 1200 and 1800 correlated well with low levels of solar energy -- low counts of sunspots (which correlate well with total solar energy output).
The climate change since 1850 has been good news!
Anyone with sense would want more warming, and more CO2 in the air, because that would be even better news.
Don't listen to liberals -- they are scaremongers with ulterior motives -- they scare people to control them.
Question 2:
"Is the cost of mitigation today less than that of adaptation the day after tomorrow?"
My answer:
No one knows how to stop climate change, because no one knows what causes climate change.
The mild climate change since 1850 has been good news, so trying to stop the current trend would make no sense, even if we knew how.
Ice core studies show there are average temperature cycles -- mild warming followed by mild cooling.
One cycle last about 1,500 years, +/- 500 years.
There has been nothing unusual about the climate since 1850, except for the fact that it has been unusually stable, with the average temperature staying within a 1 degree C. range.
With a margin or error of +/- 1 degree C., that +1 degree range since 1850 means nothing -- there may have been no warming at all, or we already had +2 degrees warming.
I'm being optimistic by assuming measurements had a margin of error of only +/- 1 degree C.
Don't listen to liberals -- they are scaremongers with ulterior motives -- they scare people to control them.