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Thursday, November 10, 2016

Dear Mr. Trump

The climate is wonderful in 2016.

It is better than it has been in at least 500 years, for humans (slightly warmer at night), animals (slightly warmer at night) and green plants (more CO2 in the air).

Global warming should be #101 

on your list of 100 things to work on.

You should announce:
"Since the science is settled, I will be firing all the "scientists" on government payrolls, who play computer games, and make wrong climate predictions."

I call them "scientists" in respect for their college degrees.

But they actually have no idea what causes climate change, yet they spend the taxpayers' money playing computer games.

And the computer games have to make wrong predictions because ... THEY STILL DON'T KNOW WHAT CAUSES CLIMATE CHANGE.

CO2 is definitely not the climate controller -- if it was, the predictions would be 97% correct -- but, in fact, the computer model simulations are 97% wrong ... and the one Russian climate model that seems right is probably just a lucky guess!

The average temperature has barely changed in 135 years -- it remained in a tight 1 degree C. range.

In fact, more CO2 in the air is good news -- it accelerates green plant growth, with little or no effect on the temperature.

In spite of increasing CO2 in the air, there was:

(1)  GLOBAL COOLING from 1940 to 1975, not warming, and 
(2) A FLAT TREND from the 2003 high until mid-2015.


In fact, most of the warming after 1940 was from the 1993 low to the 2003 high.

The warming  after 1940 affected the northern half of the Northern Hemisphere much more than the southern half of the Southern Hemisphere.

That means the increase of CO2 was nearly constant from 1940 to 2015:

- But the warming was NOT constant.

   (mainly from the early 1990s to early 2000s)

- And the warming was NOT global.

   (almost no warming of Antarctica)


Please send an "appropriate" picture of Melania 
for my Climate Centerfold blog: