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Friday, November 25, 2016

The forest, the trees, and the leaves on the trees

The Climate Scaremongers live in a Future Climate Fantasyland that exists only in their imaginations.

The scaremongers are mainly leftists trying to scare people in an effort to control them through a more powerful central government.

Scaremongers make high level "FOREST" claims:

(1) Manmade CO2 controls the climate,
(2) 97% of scientists agree on (1),
(3) Scientists have 95% confidence about (1),
(4) Runaway global warming is coming, and
(5) +2 degrees C. warming since 1750 is the "tipping point" for runaway warming, which will end life on Earth as we know it !

Note the truth for (1) to (5):
(1) Man made CO2 may have a small effect on the climate, or not
(2) 97% is from bogus surveys with manipulated results
(3) 95% is a number pulled out of a hat
(4) There is no evidence of runaway warming in the past with CO2 levels higher than today during most of Earth's history
(5) +2 degrees is a number pulled out of a hat

Scaremongers make high level "FOREST" claims and refuse to debate them.

Challenges are met with character attacks and ridicule.

But it is very difficult to silence all debate.

So if there is going to be any debate, the warmunists demand that the FOREST must be accepted, and the debate must focus on the TREES in the forest, or better yet, the LEAVES on the trees!

The TREES are subjects involving tenths of a degree C.

The LEAVES are subjects involving hundredths of a degree C.

The LEAVES ON ONE TREE are subjects involving thousandths of a degree C.

I recently read a climate change article on where statistical analyses were applied to average temperature data, and results were presented with three decimal places -- sometimes four decimal places.

I wrote a comment to condemn the author for the misleading false accuracy of his analyses, which did nothing to refute the big picture +2 degree claims of the climate warmunists.