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Saturday, December 10, 2016

Climate vs. New President

The false prediction of a coming Global Warming catastrophe is made by smarmy scientists who are almost entirely on government payrolls.

But the fact is that they have no ability to predict the future climate -- and they have been making wrong climate predictions for 40 years so far.

That means the claim of a coming Global Warming catastrophe is a hoax.

Global warming was a very minor issue in the 2016 campaign, but needed more discussion.

Funding Social Security and Medicare for baby boomer retirees also needed discussion, but we heard almost nothing.

Most people assumed the Global Warming Hoax was going to continue under Hillary Clinton, and maybe accelerate.

Clinton had endorsed Al Gore’s extremist climate views at a campaign rally.

And then there was a miracle.

Hillary's strident shouting
(aka "speeches") character attacking Trump, and her attack on white people who supported him as "deplorables", didn't work.

The taller shouter from New York was elected President.

And that taller shouter once called the climate change predictions a "hoax", which is true, and an extremely rare public pronouncement.

Unfortunately, President-elect Trump appears to be a person who does little reading, so his knowledge of every government-related topic appears shallow.

Of course a shallow but sensible position on global warming is better than a detailed but wrong position, which describes Obama's extremist position.

Trump is a talker, not a reader, but people say he's a good listener.

A person not into reading books could be a success like Trump only if he is a good listener, and a good judge of what people are worth listening to.

Unfortunately, Trump recently listened to Al Gore and Leonardo DiCaprio, both of whom came for a visit to his NYC penthouse.

Al Gore is the Bozo the Clown of climate science -- in the mid-1990s he took the scary predictions of leftist climate scientists -- already wrong for the past 20 years at that time -- and multiplied them by two ... or three ... to get even more attention.

Trump listened to Gore, who is the official US Village Idiot on the subject of climate science, and DiCaprio, who is an Assistant Village Idiot on climate science.

Those visitors were a big surprise after Trump appointed climate skeptic Myron Ebell to head his Environmental Protection Agency transition team.

The mainstream media hated Ebell so much they immediately began character attacking him because he disagrees with their Global Warming Hoax.

The next four years are the opportunity of a lifetime for climate skeptics.

It's possible the Global Warming Hoax will not survive four years of a skeptical EPA Administration.

Especially if the climate happens to be cooling, rather than warming, in the next four years.

The EPA greenhouse gas "Endangerment Finding" of December 2009 was wrong, and needs to be withdrawn before it causes more economic harm.

The Finding is based only on nearly worthless Global Climate Models

GCM builders work backwards, starting with an irrational belief in a coming global warming catastrophe from CO2.

Then they determine what assumptions have to be included to make their models reach their predetermined conclusion.

GCMs are personal opinions about the future climate converted to complicated math to impress lay people.

The UN's IPCC findings are based entirely on climate models that predict whatever their builders wanted them to predict.