There is no credible evidence that CO2 is important in determining Earth's average temperature.
There is no evidence that CO2 has ever "controlled" the climate in 4.5 billion years of Earth's climate history.
In the past 150 years, where real-time temperature data exist, there is only one short period when man made CO2 and average temperature significantly rose at the same time: From the early 1990s to the early 2000s.
So, out of 4.5 billion years of climate history, only a mere ten years can be cherry-picked to show a strong positive correlation of average temperature and CO2 !
And that's why the Global Warming cult focuses mainly on wild guess predictions of the future climate, even though computer game predictions have been grossly inaccurate for the past 40 years.
The greenhouse theory from 1896 is that rising man made CO2 in the air, mainly from from burning fossil fuels after 1940, should increase the global temperature almost every year (mainly around the poles, and far less near the equator).
Man made CO2 has been rising for the past 150 years, mainly after 1940.
Following is a list of facts that refute the unproven claim that CO2 caused the mild, pleasant warming measured in the past 150 years:
(1) No Tropical Hot Spot found (*** see note below),
(2) No warming of Antarctica,
(3) Warming of Arctic from 1988 to 2015 is blamed on CO2, but a similar amount of warming from 1928 to 1944 is NOT blamed on CO2,
(4) No global warming from 1940 to 1975 while CO2 rose,
(5) Global warming from 1975 to early 2000s is blamed on CO2, but a similar amount of warming from 1910 to 1940 is NOT blamed on CO2,
(6) No global warming from early 2000s to 2015, while CO2 rose a lot, and
(7) CO2 is distributed fairly evenly in the atmosphere, but warming since 1975 has been very uneven.
There was a lot of warming in the northern half of the Northern Hemisphere, and little warming in the southern half of the Southern Hemisphere.
Hiding this large difference by using a global average is a deliberate attempt to mislead people.
It is a stretch to call the mild warming since 1975 -- almost entirely from the early 1900s to the early 2000s -- "global".
*** The “Tropical Hot Spot” refers to a hypothetical warming pattern where increasing greenhouse gas concentrations cause the tropical mid-troposphere to warm more rapidly than the lower troposphere (which warms more rapidly than Earth's surface).
The Tropical Hot Spot is an important 'signature' of greenhouse gas warming.
But the Tropical Hot Spot does not exist in real life.
It has never been found with weather satellites or weather balloons.