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Saturday, May 13, 2017

Obama gets 3 million to talk about climate change

The man knows next to nothing about climate change.

He can only parrot the usual left-wing computer game wild guesses about the future climate.

He surely ignored 30 years of wrong predictions from the computer games, and will falsely claim humans can predict the future climate ... because it's all controlled by CO2.

He surely ignored the flat temperature trend between 2003 and 2015 in spite of large amounts of CO2 added to the atmosphere.

Obama is a moron on the subject of climate change, but smart enough to take $3 million dollars.  

President Obama was paid $3.2 million for a 1.5-hour speech at a climate change conference in Milan.

According to the Independent Journal Review, it took a a private jet, 14-car motorcade, 300 policemen, and multiple helicopters patrolling overhead just to get Obama to the conference.

Quite the "carbon footprint."