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Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Thanks for the first 10,000 page views

I started this blog in late 2014 to supplement a climate change article in my economics newsletter, and only newsletter readers were given the URL for this blog.

In 2015 I started leaving comments at a few climate science websites.

Later in 2015 I decided to include the URL for this blog at the end of some of my comments, if anyone was interested in reading further.

I've not publicized this blog in any other way.

Last week I was out of town visiting a very sick relative and didn't add anything to any of my three blogs.

 I'm back today and noticed over 10,000 page views so far.

There's no need to celebrate that -- my goal is not the number of readers.

My goal with this free blog is to offer calm, alternative thoughts about the alleged climate crisis ... that many people believe, in spite of the fact that our climate today is wonderful.

I hope summarizing my global warming reading here has helped other people understand that wild guesses of the future climate have been very wrong for 30 years so far, yet the warmunists are still claiming a climate catastrophe is ahead -- the scary predictions are fairy tales and have nothing to do with real science.

Creating a boogeyman out of harmless CO2 is an old political trick to scare people, and control them.

The sad side effect of the false demonization of CO2 is that real pollution of the air, land and water in China, India and other part of Asia is ignored.