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Tuesday, May 9, 2017

The Big Picture of Global Warming

The claim that adding CO2 to the atmosphere will lead to runaway global warming is the biggest hoax in history, supported ONLY by 30 years of scary, but wrong, computer game predictions.

I have read about global warming since 1997.

My conclusion, and hold your hats: 
The climate in 2017 is the best in at least 500 years for humans, animals and plants. 

We have not had any cold periods as we did between 1250 and 1850, nights are slightly warmer, and our planet is greening from more CO2 in the air.

Even if you assume all the warming since 1880
(+1 degree C. +/- 1 degree C.) was caused by CO2 (and even the IPCC doesn't claim that), a sensible person would want more CO2 in the air for the same reason that greenhouse owners use CO2 enrichment -- accelerates plant growth and lowers their water requirements.

Most of the plants we, and animals, use for food have the C3 photosynthetic pathways that evolved over 400 million years ago when CO2 levels were many times current levels.

Our plants prefer CO2 levels double or triple today's 400 ppm and that's exactly what I hope for in the future.

The CO2 effect on the average temperature would be too small to notice, if any.

All the warmunists have is some laboratory experiments that indicate a doubling of CO2 will increase the average temperature about +1 degree C. 

If lab experiments actually apply to our planet, which is unknown, and CO2 levels continue increasing at 2 ppm per year, then it would take 200 years for the CO2 level to double, and the average temperature to increase by +1 degree C..

And greenhouse warming is mainly at night, in cold dry areas of our planet, because CO2 is invisible to daytime sunlight, and in the humid tropics, water vapor overwhelms CO2 as a greenhouse gas.

How many more decades of wrong temperature predictions are required before leftists begin to wonder if their gloomy global warming predictions could have been wrong?

There is no evidence in climate history that CO2 was ever a 'climate controller', or of any runaway warming, even when CO2 levels were up to 10x to 20x higher than today.

There is strong evidence that natural climate change is normal, and when the oceans warm, they release CO2 into the atmosphere with a lag
(from ice core studies).

According to the warmunists' theory, some bizarre, unproven, crazy "positive feedback" will triple the direct warming caused by CO2, and eventually cause runaway warming -- but that has never happened in Earth's history, or we would not be here today to "debate" global warming.

I say "debate" because leftists rarely debate anything -- they "know" are right, and every one else is called a "denier" ... leftists act just like many religious people concerning their own religious beliefs.

The only "evidence" in climate history to support the CAGW
(runaway warming caused by humans) theory is a significant rise in man made CO2 and average temperature from the 1993 low to the 2003 high temperature -- that's it -- just 10 years of the past 4.5 billion years where we had a strong positive correlation.

And never mind the negative CO2 / temperature correlation from 1940 to 1975, and the lack of correlation between the 1998 and 2015 /2016 El Nino temperature peaks.

The average temperature trend has been flat from 2003 to 2015 -- the peak in 2015 and 2016 is from a strong El Nino -- not caused by CO2 -- and was almost identical to the strong El Nino peak in 1998.

Unless the effects of El Ninos are eliminated from the averages, 1998 and 2015/2016 are not good years to start or end a temperature trend analysis.

The mild warming from 1910 to 1940 is almost identical to the mild warming from 1975 to 2005
(mainly a step up from 1993 to 2003).

No one blames the 1910 to 1940 warming on CO2 -- it had natural causes.

The warmunists blame the similar warming from 1975 to 2005 on CO2.

What they are saying is that 4.5 billion years of natural climate change ended in 1975, and suddenly CO2 became the 'climate controller'.

They have no explanation on how that would happen, or why.

They have no way to prove the 1975 to 2005 warming was not natural, like the similar 1910 to 1940 warming.

The amount of lying and jumping to conclusions on the subject of climate change is amazing.

The global warmunists are anti-environment -- they are causing huge amounts of money to be wasted on harmless climate change.

Meanwhile, China, India and other Asian nations are grossly polluting their land, water and the air -- with real pollution -- not a harmless airborne plant food like CO2 ... but no one seems to care about real pollution anymore.