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Sunday, April 15, 2018

Climate change in one page

Causes of 
past global warming 
and global cooling 
are still guesses, 

And the future climate is still
impossible to predict.

Unfortunately, those facts 
don't stop the climate predictions,
and climate scaremongering, 
thanks to smarmy leftists.

Meanwhile, we're very lucky 
to be living in the best climate 
this planet has ever had 
for humans and animals.

The climate change cult 
would have you believe
the current climate is bad,
and will be getting worse,
unless you do everything
they say, without question.

The coming climate change
catastrophe is a myth,
based only on faith, 
and junk science -- 
and in that way 
the climate change cult
resembles a religion.

CO2 is a greenhouse gas, 
proven in lab experiments.

CO2 should cause some 
nighttime warming,
but no one knows how much.

If there are feedbacks
that amplify, or reduce,
the effects of CO2 alone,
no one knows what they are.

Worst Case Assumption #1:
   If CO2 caused 100%
of the warming in the
'weather satellite age', 
starting in 1979,
then CO2 is harmless.

Worst Case Assumption #2:
   If CO2 caused 100%
of the warming in the
'surface thermometer age',
starting in 1880,
then CO2 is still harmless.

Evidence that rising CO2
since the peak glaciation
20,000 years ago,
has harmed anyone, 
does not exist.

But leftists want to have
an environmental “crisis”, 
so they can come 
to the “rescue”.

In their warped minds, 
a "crisis" can only be fixed
by a stronger government.

Their fake crises have morphed, 
from one boogeyman to another:
- DDT,
- Acid rain,
- Hole in the ozone layer,
- Global cooling, and finally 
- Global warming.

Global warming itself 
did not scare people much,
considering that many people 
pay big money to vacation 
in warmer climates !

So the leftists invented 
a new theory designed
to make rising CO2 scary:

  The water vapor positive feedback 
theory, that allegedly triples the
claimed warming from CO2 alone.

There's no scientific proof that 
any positive feedback exists now, 
or has ever existed in the past
four and one-half billion years, 
when CO2 levels were higher
than today, almost the whole time,
or else there would have been 
runaway warming in the past,
and we wouldn't be here today !

What the global warmunists'
claim, believe it or not, is:
4.5 billion years 
of natural climate change,
with no obvious water vapor
positive feedback, 
suddenly ended in
the mid-twentieth century, 
and then CO2 ‘took over’ 
as the 'climate controller', 
with a new strong water vapor 
positive feedback too.

No explanation is ever given 
as to how, or why, 
the climate change process 
could have completely changed 
during the 20th century.

There's no explanation because
the climate change process
did not change -- those beliefs 
are a leftist fairy tale,
with no scientific proof.

Unlike real science, 
where theories
are based on data, 
and can be "falsified",
climate change cult beliefs, 
are based on faith,
so can never be refuted 
with facts, data and logic. 

Leftists are demonizing 
beneficial CO2 plant food, 
for selfish political 
and financial gains. 

We know big government leftists 
alway want more political power.

It's easy to ramp up 
political power 
when there is a "crisis" 
that scares people.

Clever politicians know 
how to step forward 
to claim only they 
can end the "crisis".

The "crisis" can be real 
( such as a recession )
or fake ( the false claims
that man made CO2
will cause runaway 
global warming ).

Telling the truth 
is not something 
that leftists do well !

The truth is that CO2 
is a harmless, airborne plant food: 
-- The staff of life on our planet, and 
-- Not a satanic gas that will 
eventually end all life on Earth. 

The truth is that the Earth 
needs more CO2 in the air 
to accelerate plant growth
and increase the supply 
of plants used as food
by humans and animals. 

Greenhouse owners 
use CO2 enrichment
to accelerate plant growth.

Greenhouse owners are smart.

Leftists demonize CO2 
to gain political power, 
and get government subsidies
to keep their alternative energy
industry alive.

Leftists are devious.

Leftists claim they care 
about saving the Earth,
but's it's obvious they don't care,
because they completely ignore 
serious air, land and water 
pollution in China, India 
and other Asian nations.