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Sunday, November 25, 2018

Australia's Looney Leftist 'Lectricity Policy

I observe 
the Australian effort 
to make their electricity 
much more expensive, 
from here in the US 
… where I suspect,
we will be next,
after Trump.

I can’t figure out 
the Australian 
“energy logic”.

Australia has a lot of coal.

Australia exports a lot of coal.

That coal gets burned 
in other nations,
adding CO2 
to the atmosphere.

What difference 
would it make 
to the atmospheric 
CO2 level.
if more Australian coal 
was burned by 
Australian power plants,
rather than being burned 
in power plants located 
in other nations ?
(other than providing 
cheaper electricity 
for Australians)

The Australian energy policy
 appears to be the equivalent of
“shooting yourself in the foot”
to use an old American expression. 

The high cost 
of electricity 
in Australia is like 
a "Carbon Tax"
by another name.

Electricity price hikes 
cover the cost 
of large subsidies 
paid to attract 
in "renewables".

The future of 
these “investments” 
will be a blight 
on the landscape 
if the subsidies dry up, 
and they are abandoned.

The electricity retailer 
is forced to pay cash 
for certificates 
(STC, LGCs) 
from windmill 
and solar vendors 
at a ‘market price’. 

The government 
supervises this, 
but the money 
never goes to them,
so it is not a tax. 

This energy policy
was introduced by 
the 2000 Liberal 
Howard government, 
as a way of funding 
windmills and solar, 
by a back door. 

As senior physicist 
Tom Quirk calculated:
the Renewable Energy 
(Electricity) Act 2000 
                 (the RET) 
is a hidden carbon tax 
of $200 a tonne on coal 
and $400 a tonne on gas.
( Tom Quirk: University of Oxford
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), 
Elementary Particle Physics
1963 – 1967 )

Currently, customers
are paying billions a year
in ‘subsidies’ for windmills 
and solar panels.

Australia is 
forcing customers 
to pay double 
for their electricity,
because their 
electric companies
are forced to fund 
third parties 
to build windmills, and 
buy and install 
solar panels.

Repeal the RET,
and Australian 
electricity prices 
would be cut in half.

Pushing up electricity prices 
in Australia will do little or
nothing to stop the rise in 
greenhouse gas (GHG) levels, 
the supposed aim of policy. 

The voluntary 
Paris Climate Agreement 
specifically excluded
developing nations 
from an immediate obligation 
to reduce their emissions, 
and there was no obligation 
to even estimate 
when their GHG emissions 
would peak.

Developing nations 
provide about 
two-thirds of global 
GHG emissions, 
and accounted for
almost all of
the global GROWTH 
in GHG emissions 
since 1990, 
so any actions by 
with under 2% 
of global 
GHG emissions, are a
'drop in the bucket'.

Judith Sloan, in 
The Weekend Australian, 
on August 12 2017, 
in a piece headlined: 
“Tony Abbott’s RET, 
emissions policies 
made energy policy 
a farce”, 

“Tony Abbott 
may have seen the light 
on energy policy 
since ceasing to be 
prime minister. 

But when he had the top job, 
he made two fatal mistakes.

The first was 
to agree to
the renewable 
energy target 
being renegotiated, 
rather than 
ditched or paused. 

The second 
was to agree to 
the emissions 
reduction targets 
of 26% to 28%
of 2005 levels, 
by 2030 
as part of 
our commitment 
to the Paris 
Climate agreement.

What was he thinking? 

He may claim 
he acted 
on the basis 
of dodgy advice
 — and there was 
an overabundance of it 
at the time (and still is)
 — but he was warned
 on both matters.”

Australia needs 
a real alternative 
to their three major 
socialist parties !

The trend in wholesale 
electricity prices 
in Victoria:
2015 / 16   $46 / MWhr
2016 / 17   $67
2017 / 18   $92
since July 2018, $86

The trend in wholesale
natural gas prices 
in Victoria:
3Q 2015   $4.68 / GJ
3Q 2016   $8.83
3Q 2017   $8.57
3Q 2018   $9.43
Forecasts are for over $10 soon,
due to decreasing supply, 
and increasing demand.