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Sunday, November 25, 2018

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke has blamed "radical environmental groups" for a lack of forest management in California

Some forest fire facts
from prior article 
on this blog:

At least 90% of fires 
are started by "people".
and wind-downed power lines 
would qualify as "people".

would have been dry
with or without a 
few tenths of a degree
of global warming, and

The lack of needed
forest management
does not start fires, 
but does make them
more intense,
and more dangerous.

Interior Secretary 
Ryan Zinke 
correctly blamed 
for a lack of 
forest management 
in California, 
which he says 
paved the way 
for tinderbox 
that led to the 
severe wildfires. 

Zinke told reporters
"lawsuit after lawsuit by, yes, 
the radical environmental groups 
that would rather burn down 
the entire forest 
than cut a single tree,
or thin the forest" ...
prevented the state 
from safely managing 
its forests. 

"We know the problem: 
it's been years of neglect, 
and in many cases, 
it's been these 
that want nature 
to take its course." 

"We have dead 
and dying timber. 

We can manage it 
using best science, 
best practices. 

But to let 
this devastation 
go on year after year 
after year 
is unacceptable."

Back in August 2018, 
Zinke lambasted 
terrorists groups
that have 
not allowed 
public access, 
that refuse to 
allow harvest 
of timber" 
in an interview 
with Breitbart Radio. 

Zinke is taking 
the conversation 
away from 
global warming 
and bringing it back 
to land management, 
including the litigation 
and environmental laws 
that keep officials 
from actively managing 
the forests.

“This has nothing to do 
with climate change. 

This has to do with active 
forest management.”

Wildfire experts 
tend to see 
land management 
and urban growth
as prime drivers 
of wildfires.

“The story can’t be
simply that warming 
is increasing 
the numbers 
of wildfires 
in California. 
the number 
of fires 
is declining. 

And area burned 
has not been 
increasing either,"
University of Washington 
climate scientist Cliff Mass 
wrote, in a recent blog post.

In California,
humans cause
95% of all wildfires, 
with power lines 
and utility equipment 
a growing problem.