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Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Climate change studies are almost all science fiction !

Climate change 
and "studies"
concerning the 
future climate,
are always 
wild speculation.

They are 
almost always
of a coming 
or ecology

Any scientist 
who "sees" 
coming danger,
is much more likely
to be published.

That's because 
"climate change" 
is a secular religion, 
backed only by 
junk science, 
with scary predictions 
of the future climate,
that never come true
... with almost no 
real science involved !

Sure, there are lots of people
with science degrees 
involved in this religion,
but they remain silent 
when politicians claim
"the science is settled".

The science is settled
is the most ignorant statement
about science that one could make
-- science is never settled -- if it was,
why would we need any scientists?

A common theme in
these 'science fiction' studies 
is that future climate change
will be "worse than 
previously thought."

I started this blog, 
as a public service,
in late 2014, 
after 17 years of reading
wrong climate predictions.

Since I was reading about
climate science every week,
why not summarize my reading
to share with other logical people?

Readers too smart
to allow leftists
to frighten them 
about fossil fuels,
especially when 
adding carbon dioxide,
to the atmosphere 
is actually beneficial 
for our planet,
and harms no one. 

It seemed like 
leftist authors 
were having 
a contest,
to write 
the scariest
climate change 
"campfire story".

Years ago, 
I predicted 
a future "study" 
would seriously claim
that climate change 
was going to shrink
'man's favorite organ'.

I saw a "study" this year
claiming climate change 
is shrinking male testicles, 
which is pretty close
to my prediction !

I saw another "study" 
blaming climate change 
for lower birth rates. 

Well, I've been reading 
science fiction "studies"
for 21 years now, 
so I know they are 
wild speculation
used by people 
with science degrees
to get attention, 
and hopefully a grant
for further "studies".

In fact, the causes of the 
large climate changes
that really matter
-- the 100,000-year 
ice age cycle --
is planetary geometry.

There are roughly
90,000 cold years, 
followed by roughly
10,000 mild years,
called "interglacials",
in each 100,000
year cycle.

We are living
in an interglacial,
that is about 
10,000 years old.

The next 
climate change
will be the end 
of that interglacial
= significant cooling.

Cooling may have 
already started,
or will start 
in 1,000 years --
no one knows 
the exact timing.

If adding CO2 
to the atmosphere
causes global warming, 
which is an assumption
based only on 
lab experiments, 
not a proven fact, 
then any warming 
will serve to delay 
the end of the 
current mild 

Mild global warming
would be delaying
the colder climate 
that will eventually put 
Chicago and Detroit 
under ice again, 
which was reality 
for most of the past 
100,000 years,
and was still true 
20,000 years ago. 

The unimportant 
climate changes,
that get 
ALL the attention,
are very gradual 
one or two degree 
over 100 to 200 years.

Those tiny changes, 
wouldn't be noticed,
if not for loud, 
braying leftists,
falsely claiming 
a climate disaster 
is coming, 
unless we do 
everything they say,
without question.

Those unimportant, 
mild climate changes
have a list of suspects, 
including CO2,
but specific causes 
are NOT known.

That's why expensive 
general circulation models 
          (GCM climate models)
make wrong predictions --
there is no correct 
climate change 
physics model 
to guide the assumptions 
that GCMs use 
for their simulations 