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Friday, November 16, 2018

IPCC redefines "climate" -- the new definition is complete nonsense -- it contains no actual temperature measurements -- only in junk science is this (or anything else) possible !

To celebrate 
30 years of wrong
climate predictions, 
the UN's IPCC 
secretly changed 
their definition 
of "climate" !

The World 
Organization (WMO)
defines "climate"
as the average 
of a particular 
weather parameter 
over 30 years. 

This definition 
was introduced 
at the 1934 
of the International 
(now called "WMO") 
because data sets 
at the time
were only believed 
to be reliable 
after 1900, 
so 1901 – 1930 
was the initial 
base period.

The latest IPCC 
their '+1.5 degrees C. 
of global warming 
will end life on Earth
as we know it',
( formerly 
+2 degrees C. 
of global warming 
will end life on Earth
as we know it' ),
has secretly changed 
their definition of climate 
to be “the climate we are in.” 

The IPCC still uses 
a 30 year period 
for its estimate 
of global warming, 
but now its the 
30 years centered 
on the PRESENT !

This is leftist

We have 
temperature data 
for the PAST 15 years.

Of course we don't have 
temperature data
for the NEXT 15 years !

Apparently, the IPCC
believes the future 
average temperature
can be wild guessed !

This proposition 
was discussed
at the recent 
IPCC meeting 
at Incheon, in the 
Republic of Korea, 
where it was agreed 
that this was a 
reasonable thing to do 
to better communicate 
climate trends. 

An accounting of 
the actual IPCC voting 
on the new definition 
of "climate" 
is not available.

This new 
IPCC definition
mixes "real data"
with wild guesses
of the future !

Even worse, 
the "real data"
( historical data )
contain more 
wild guesses,
called "infilling", 
than data based on 
actual temperature
measurements !

So, the new 
IPCC definition
of the "climate", 
will include:

50% wild guesses 
of the future temperature,

Over 25% wild guesses
of the past temperature, 
that can never be verified, 

Under 25% "adjusted"
raw temperature data,

Near zero raw temperature data,
taken from thermometers 
with no adjustments !

"Actual measurements"
that have been "adjusted",
often more than once,
actually are no longer
real data !

Real data are actual 
raw measurements
from thermometers,
or other instruments.

those raw data
means a human 
is guessing at what 
the measurements
should have been,
if measured correctly
in the first place !

This new definition 
of climate is open to 
and manipulation. 

I should have said:
"Even more speculation 
and manipulation 
than in the past" ?

will define climate, 
based on data that 
don’t exist,
using their 
wild guess
of what 
might happen 
in the future!

Such a view avoids 
having to explain why
the average temperature 
remained below 
its 1998 EL Nino 
heat peak
for the next 17 years,
until the slightly warmer
late 2015 - early 2016 
El Nino heat peak !

The fine print,
in footnote 5 ,
on page SPM-4, 
of SR1.5 states:
“Present level 
of global warming 
is defined as 
the average of a 
30-year period 
centered on 2017 
the recent rate 
of warming 

This major IPCC 
methodology change
was communicated
with a fine print footnote ! 

This UN's recent report:
 "+1.5 degrees C."
is science fiction, 
used to support 
a UN agreement 
to cut fossil fuel use, 
and support
the UN demand 
for billions of dollars, 
in annual payments, 
from developed countries, 
for imaginary damage, 
done by CO2-caused 
climate change. 

As readers of this blog
     already know:
There is absolutely no 
scientific evidence 
showing CO2 
will cause 
global warming ,
other than 
showing a modest, 
harmless, increase 
in the temperature
with increasing 
CO2 levels.

The actual, mild
and harmless
global warming 
since pre-industrial times, 
has been beneficial
for people, animals and plants,

and has harmed no one.