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Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Thank you for over 27,000 page views, including over 7,000 since September 1, 2018, when GOOGLE was my friend !

Thank you for visiting.

My goal here is to use 
the minimal available 
real climate science 
(most climate science is
"we don't know yet science")
to reach 
a logical 

Adding carbon dioxide
to the atmosphere
is good news, 
if done with 
clean burning 
fossil fuels, 
very common in the US,
but not as common in China

Adding more CO2 
to the air was, inadvertently, 
the best thing
humans have ever done
to improve our planet, 
the growth rates
of the "C3" plants, 
used for food
by humans 
and animals.

Greenhouse owners use
CO2 enrichment to
accelerate their plant growth.

CO2 enrichment 
is good news 
for greenhouses,
and good news 
for our planet too.

I don't know anything about who visits 
this free, public service blog, except for 
the three most popular URLs
that people visited 
just before they came here.

Google was never in 
the top three
except for a short time 
in the past few months --
leading to many thousands 
of page views 
coming from

Then someone at Google
may have looked
at the content here, 
decided this is 
an evil blog, and now 
you couldn't find 
this blog on Google 
if you wanted to !

Here you will be told
that carbon dioxide 
is a beneficial plant food, 
and not an evil gas.

Here you will be told that
the amount of greenhouse warming
caused by CO2, is unknown, 
but if we merely assume 
that ALL the warming 
since 1950
was caused 
ONLY by CO2,
and extrapolate 
that warming rate forward,
then adding CO2 
to the air 
would only increase 
the average 
global temperature
by +1 degree C.,
in the next 200 years,
with CO2 up 
+2ppm per year,
which means CO2 
is totally harmless.

In addition, 
any greenhouse warming,
would be mainly at night,
in the six coldest months
of the year, and in the colder,
higher latitudes -- where 
night time, winter warming 
would be celebrated by the
few people who live there !

Why do leftists have 
a completely different story 
( their climate change fairy tale ) 
that they have been bloviating about
since the late 1970's?

Because if people can be convinced
that CO2 is evil, then governments
can seize strong control over 
fossil fuel use in the private sector.

And that means we get
much more powerful 
central governments,
that socialists and Marxists
have always wanted.

Not because they love power,
and want to micro-manage your life,
because those motives 
would be "wrong" (heh heh)
-- the leftists "only" want 
more government power
to 'save the Earth 
for our children'.

That leftist claim 
is a complete fabrication,
but it works 
on a lot of people.

The average temperature 
of our planet
has barely changed 
in the past 138 years,
since 1880 
-- government bureaucrats
with science degrees 
claim there was
+1 degree C. 
of global warming,
but never mention 
there were few 
Southern Hemisphere 
before World War II.

And they claim 
a false +/- 0.1 degree
margin of error, 
when an honest 
margin of error 
can not be calculated,
but must be 
at least +/- 1.0 degree C. !

Even today, 
a majority 
of the surface
of our planet, 
divided into grids,
has no temperature data,
or is missing 
temperature data.

But you can't calculate a global
average temperature without a 
number for each 
5 degree latitude 
by 5 degree longitude grid,
so the smarmy 
government bureaucrats
wild guess 
the missing numbers,
and you can like it, 
or lump it !

Modern climate 
is junk science, 
and I do not like 
being lied to 
( one reason I rarely listen 
to political speeches,
from any party ).

I did some writing 
as a hobby, 
before this blog:
  A subscribers-only 
economics newsletter, 
since 1977, and a blog 
to supplement that letter, 
since 2008.

I only wrote two 
climate change articles
in my economics newsletter, 
in 2007 and 2014 
-- I started this blog just to
update the 2014 article 
for my subscribers,
and later decided 
to make it a free
blog for anyone interested 
in real climate science
-- not the usual
leftist scaremongering
about "climate change"
and wrong predictions
about the future climate !

Richard Greene,
on planet Earth since 1953

Atheist, since about 1959
Audiophile, since 1965
Libertarian since 1973

BS, SUNY Albany, in 1975
MBA, NYU, in 1977

Editor of economics newsletter,
since 1977

Met wifey in 1977,
married since 1983
( she's on the right in picture below
and her sister is on the left, with the
short hair, after successful brain surgery
-- they found nothing !  heh heh )

Living with flocks of deer,
in Bingham Farms, Michigan,
since 1987

Retired lazy bum
since January 2005

Once saved a drowning boy.

Out ran the police two times
to avoid speeding tickets,
which I included on my resume.

Favorite philosopher:
Lawrence "Yogi" Berra, 
best known for  saying:
"I really didn't say everything I said."

Does not speak French.