Lysenkoism is
an infamous
theory of genetics
named after
Trofim Lysenko,
director of the
Soviet Union’s Lenin
All- Union Academy
of Agricultural Sciences.
Joseph Stalin
loved Lysenko's
pseudoscientific theory
because it
was consistent
with Communist dogma
that human nature
could be changed
by experience.
Lysenko’s theory was
that plants and animals,
can pass onto offspring,
characteristics acquired
during their lifetimes.
This theory
was very popular
in the 1930's
Soviet Union.
Lysenko had created
the appearance
of being a
great problem solver,
and once in power,
he used his position
to systematically remove
everyone from government
who challenged his theory.
Some scientists
who disagreed
with Lysenko,
were exiled,
or even executed.
Lysenko was
given the power
to suppress dissent,
and forbid experiments,
that would have revealed
the flaws in his theory.
Lysenko’s beliefs
contributed to
crop failures
in the Soviet Union
which caused
many deaths,
possibly millions!
But those beliefs
were endorsed
by the official
Communist Party
and backed by
government force,
so Lysenkoism
remained the
official theory
of crop genetics
until the 1960s.
The scientific debate
about climate change
is dominated by
government institutions.
Starting with the UN's
Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change (IPCC),
and including several
US government agencies:
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA),
National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA), and
National Aeronautics
and Space Administration
Scott Pruitt,
who was
Trump's first
EPA administrator,
said publicly
that Obama had
the agency
to advance his
climate change
Nearly all scientists
calling for
immediate action
to slow or prevent
climate change
are government
or depend on
government grants
to support their
academic careers.
Many of the “skeptics”
are in the private sector,
emeritus professors
no longer needing
grant dollars,
or independent scientists
with no financial motive
to take one side,
or the other.
Public financing
influences the views
and public statements
of climate change advocates
-- their jobs depend on
promoting the expected
'CO2 is evil' scare.
If CO2 is evil,
or claimed to be evil,
then scientists are
desperately needed
to "study" the coming
climate crisis.
Efforts to discuss
this conflict of interest
are called “assaults
on climate science”,
by spokespersons
for the government
science establishment.
The great concern over
man made CO2, despite
its harmless effect
on climate change
so far, is the
latest big mistake,
by big government.