It's rare that members
of the climate change cult
say something that makes sense,
without including their usual
wrong, wild guess fantasies
of a coming climate change
disaster ( Hansen has been
doing that since the 1980s ! ).
This is what one of the world’s
leading climate alarmists,
since the 1980s, said about
100% renewable energy,
and he actually made sense:
"The notion that
renewable energies
and batteries alone
will provide all
needed energy
is fantastical.
It is also a grotesque idea,
because of the staggering
environmental pollution
from mining and material
disposal, if all energy
was derived from
renewables and batteries.
Worse, tricking the public
to accept the fantasy
of 100% renewables
means that, in reality,
fossil fuels reign and
climate change grows."
James Hansen
June, 2018