After 21 years of reading
climate science as a hobby,
I know real climate science
can be difficult to read,
with many unanswered
questions about Earth's
past climate, and rarely
making predictions
of the future climate.
Real climate science is
very much unlike modern
junk climate science,
where the future climate
is claimed to be known
with great certainty, and
anyone who disagrees is
character attacked as a
"climate change denier",
and scolded
with these words:
"The science is settled !"
The leftist politicians, and
junk scientists they hire,
focus on communicating
very scary conclusions,
that get lot's of attention,
especially when they are
stated with great certainty.
Making a scary prediction
is much more important
to them than real science !
They don't care that their
predictions of a coming
global warming catastrophe,
starting in the late 1950's,
have been completely wrong !
They just make
the same prediction
the next year !
Real climate science can also
be communicated using simple
language, although real
scientists rarely do that.
I read their articles and studies,
and try to summarize them here
in a simple, easy to understand
Following is
a simple comparison
of real climate science
vs. junk climate science.
Remember these two facts,
and you will understand
more about real climate
science than 99.9% of the
hysterical leftist junk science
climate alarmists:
Actual, past global warming,
was 100% good news
was 100% good news
( based on real time
temperature measurements,
since the late 1800s )
Predicted, future global warming
is claimed to be 100% bad news
( scary climate predictions,
made since the late 1950s )
So, are you
going to believe
real science (1),
based on actual
measurements ?
Measurements are real science.
They reflect mild, harmless,
intermittent warming since 1940,
but almost no warming
in the past 15 years.
Or are you going to believe
junk science (2),
based on nothing more
than scary wild guess
temperature predictions ?
Wrong predictions are junk science.
And the predictions have been
very wrong for the past 60+ years !
If you believe (2),
the junk science,
and ignore (1),
the real science.
then you are
a stupid head
( a technical term ),
or a leftist
( I repeat myself ),
who probably believes
Trump won in 2016
because Russians
hacked our
voting machines !
And you should
be forced to wear
a T-shirt that says:
The World Will End in 12 Years,
Unless We Listen to 'Perfesser'
Alexandria Occasionally Coherent !