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Thursday, March 28, 2019

Last weekend Alexandria Occasionally Coherent claimed we must pay for her Green Ordeal now, or we will pay later when American cities are underwater ! President Trump doesn't know much about climate science but she makes him seem like a genius !

Climate change 
as it always has.

And climate alarmists 
always assume
the future climate 
will be worse
than today,
as they 
always have !

They started 
their climate 
in the late 1950's, 
(Roger Revelle)
when I was
five years old,
and they are still
trying to scare us
60 years later !

They were wrong 
in the late 1950's,
and they are 
still wrong today.

Only gullible people 
take the wild guess 
climate predictions

One of them is
Coherent" !

In fact, the climate 
on our planet 
has been getting 
warmer, and better,
for 20,000 years, 
starting with Chicago
and Detroit under 
thick ice glaciers.

That interests me 
because I live
in the suburbs 
five miles north 
of Detroit !

It's cold enough here
without the glaciers !

The climate today 
is likely to be 
2 to 4 degrees C. cooler 
than 8,000 to 10,000 
years ago, during the 
Holocene Optimum 

And at least 
+2 degrees C. warmer
than the coldest period 
in the Little Ice Age, 
in the late 1600's.

Those temperature 
changes, estimated 
with climate proxies,
were large, and natural, 
definitely not from 
man made CO2,
whose concentration 
in the atmosphere
grew very slowly 
until after the 
Great Depression.

It's true that CO2 
could have caused 
some of the warming 
from 1975 to 2003,
but no one knows 
how much, no matter 
how confident they seem 
when they tell you !

And global warming 
actually stopped,
from the 2003 peak 
through 2018,
per weather satellite
data, which the 
mainstream media 
doesn't think 
you need to know !

They won't even tell you 
that weather satellites 
have existed since 1979 !

If carbon dioxide 
causes some 
global warming, 
that's only 
an assumption, 
but a reasonable one.

It has NOT been proven 
outside of a laboratory.

Actual measurements, and 
lab infrared spectroscopy
experiments, both suggest 
mild, harmless warming
from CO2.

They DO NOT 
support predictions 
of more than 
+0.1 degrees C. 
of warming 
per decade.

The actual warming rate 
since 1940 has been less than 
+0.1 degree C. per decade.

1940 is when man made 
CO2 emissions began 
their post-Great Depression 
ramp up, that continues today. 

We've had +0.6 degrees C. 
of warming in the 78 years 
since 1940, some of which
could be measurement 
errors, and/or deliberate 
pro-warming "adjustments"
to the raw data.

The primary 
measured warming 
has been warmer nights 
in the six coldest months 
of the year, at higher latitudes,
where warmer winter nights 
are considered to be 
very good news !

Claims of an 
"existential threat" 
from future 
climate change 
are a delusion.

Leftists who 
claim that 
are dingbats.

But their deliberate 
climate scaremongering,
based on junk science, 
is done for a selfish reason
 -- they want to scare you 
into letting them 
micromanage your life.

The  coming climate change 
catastrophe is a fantasy.

It is contradicted by the actual
mild, intermittent, beneficial 
global warming in the past 
78 years of rising CO2 levels. 

And in the 
past 78 years,  
there was only one 
28-year period  
( 1975 to 2003 ) 
with a warming trend.

That means the 
average temperature 
had a cooling trend, 
or a flat trend,
while CO2 levels rose, 
for 50 of the 78 years 
since 1940 !

So, the claim that 
rising atmospheric 
CO2 levels 
MUST cause 
a rising temperature,
is NOT supported 
by measurements
since 1940.

Making it very likely 
that CO2 levels
do NOT control 
the average 
temperature !