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Thursday, March 21, 2019

The puzzling history of atmospheric CO2

The Climate Change Cult 
has "all the answers" 
about climate change
and carbon dioxide.

"The science is settled", 
they falsely claim.

They jump to the 
following "conclusions":

CO2 controls the climate.

Humans control CO2.

A powerful (socialist) 
government is needed,
to clamp down 
on fossil fuel burning,
to save the world.

All three "conclusions"
are speculation, not facts.

In fact, (A) is proven wrong 
by wrong climate predictions
since the late 1950s
 ... and wrong computer
model climate predictions 
since the 1970s.

When you predict 
triple the warming 
that actually happens, 
you have proven that
you don't understand
real climate science !

Real climate science has 
lots of unanswered questions

The primary unanswered questions:

Is atmospheric CO2 in control of our climate?

Are humans in control of the atmospheric CO2 level ?

During the trough of the 
very deep 1929 Recession, 
from 1929 to 1931, 
human production of CO2 
went down rapidly by 30%. 

But global CO2 levels 
in the atmosphere
did not decline, and 
the global temperature
kept rising until 1940. 

There was no obvious effect 
from the huge, rapid decline
of CO2 emissions.

The explanation for that 
is unknown.

During the WWII years, 
and post-war rebuilding, 
the global temperature
declined, despite the 
production of 
huge amounts of CO2. 

The explanation for that
is also unknown.

The global temperature
declined from 1940 to 1975, 
enough for some "climate" 
scientists to begin predicting
a colder 'coming ice age',
that made the covers of 
Newsweek, Time and 
Science News magazines !

The explanation 
for that scaremongering  
is a mystery.

Geologists claim there has 
never been a temperature 
reversal in the past 
500 million years that was
preceded by a change 
of the CO2 level. 

A CO2 change 
did not precede 
the emergence from the 
last Glacial Maximum, 
the temperature plunge 
into the Younger Dryas, 
the rapid temperature rise
to the Holocene Optimum 
( with its 280 ppm CO2 ) 
and a higher temperature,
and higher sea level, 
8,000 to 10,000 years ago
then we have today.

There was gradual cooling 
in the past 8,000 to 10,000 years,
after the Holocene Optimum,
punctuated by the Minoan,
Roman, Medieval ... and
current Modern Warming,
which started in 1850.

Satellite pictures 
clearly demonstrate 
the greening of the earth 
from more CO2 in the air:

CO2 is virtually the 
only greenhouse gas 
in the stratosphere 
capable of radiating 
infrared energy 
out to space,
cooling our planet.

So CO2 warms us, 
and cools us, 
and helps feed us. 

CO2 is a lot more complicated
than the simple 'CO2 is Evil' 
fairy tale promoted by the 
Climate Change Cult, with
no debate ever allowed !