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Thursday, April 4, 2019

Aerosols (particulates) and climate change

A study in 
Natural Geoscience,
was titled:
“Substantial large-scale 
feedbacks between 
natural aerosols 
and climate.” 

Evidence was produced,
using a computer model: 
“a global aerosol model.” 

There were no measurements,
of the number of particulates,
or the amount of water vapor,
in the atmosphere, or how 
both of them vary over time !

So the authors wild guessed,
using an aerosol model,
that's just as meaningless, 
as the global climate models !

Clouds and aerosols,
contribute great uncertainty,
to real climate change 

More clouds form,
at any given time,
than the number of
cloud condensation nuclei, 
available in the atmosphere. 

The solid materials,
in the atmosphere,
were called particulates, 
but then the new term 
"aerosol", was introduced. 

from WikiPedia:
particulate matter,
also known as 
particulate matter,
or particulates,
are microscopic solid 
or liquid matter,
suspended in 
Earth’s atmosphere. 

The term aerosol,
commonly refers to,
the particulate 
/ air mixture, 
as opposed to, 
the particulate 
matter alone.”

Aerosols may 
be natural,
or man made.

Aerosols affect 
the climate,
in two ways: 

Scattering and absorbing,
solar radiation, and

Acting as cloud 
condensation nuclei.

Major sources,
of cloud condensation nuclei,
are salt from the oceans,
and clay particles. 

Clay is the finest particle,
from the breakdown of rocks,
in the weathering process. 

In 2000, Svensmark’s cosmic theory,
showed that cosmic radiation,
coming from deep space,
penetrates the atmosphere,
and becomes condensation nuclei,
for low cloud formation. 

The amount of cosmic radiation,
reaching the Earth,
is controlled by the strength,
of the Sun’s magnetic field. 

Sunspot counts tell us,
if the Sun's magnetic field,
is weak or strong,

There is a relationship,
between sunspots,
and global temperature,
although it seems weak.

All rain is acid rain,
with a PH less than seven,
because rain absorbs CO2,
from the atmosphere.  

No one knows how much,
CO2 is ‘washed out’,
of the atmosphere,
by rain.

No one knows how much
atmospheric CO2 is reduced,
because humans are adding
water vapor to the atmosphere.

Understanding climate change,
requires a better understanding, 
of the interactions of aerosols, 
clouds and cosmic radiation.

Climate junk science,
practically ignores those 
climate change variables,
because their effects 
are unknown.

From 1940 to 1975,
when CO2 levels rose,
but the average temperature,
went down, climate alarmists
wanted some excuse for that, 
so they made up one:

They claimed "aerosols",
blocking sunlight,
controlled the climate,
causing global cooling,
that overwhelmed,
the global warming effect, 
of more CO2 in the air, 
from 1940 to 1975

Apparently, the aerosols,
fell out of the sky in 1975(?), 
when CO2 suddenly became
the climate controller,
causing global warming
through 2003 !

And if you believe that fairy tale,
I own a bridge in Brooklyn,
that I'd like to sell you !

“…we have to offer up scary scenarios, 
make simplified, dramatic statements, 
and make little mention of any doubts
 we might have…” 
– Stephen Schneider, 
Coordinating Lead Author
in Working Group II 
Intergovernmental Panel 
on Climate Change (IPCC) 
Third Assessment Report