Here’s what the "experts"
were saying almost a
half century ago
on Earth Day, 1970
( leftist scaremongering
did not start with global warming,
and will not end with global warming ):
“Civilization will end
within 15 or 30 years
unless immediate action
is taken against problems
facing mankind.”
— Harvard biologist
George Wald
“It is already too late
to avoid mass starvation,”
— Denis Hayes,
Chief organizer
for Earth Day
“We are in an environmental crisis
which threatens the survival
of this nation, and of the world
as a suitable place of human
— Washington University biologist
Barry Commoner
“Population will inevitably
and completely outstrip
whatever small increases
in food supplies we make.
The death rate will increase
until at least 100–200
million people per year
will be starving to death
during the next ten years.
… Most of the people who are
going to die in the
greatest cataclysm
in the history of man have
already been born.
… [By 1975] some experts feel
that food shortages will have
escalated the present level
of world hunger and starvation
into famines of unbelievable
Other experts, more optimistic,
think the ultimate food-population
collision will not occur until
the decade of the 1980s.
— Stanford University biologist
Paul Ehrlich
“Demographers agree
almost unanimously
on the following grim timetable:
by 1975 widespread famines
will begin in India; these will spread
by 1990 to include all of India,
Pakistan, China and the Near East,
By the year 2000,
or conceivably sooner,
South and Central America
will exist under
famine conditions.
... By the year 2000,
thirty years from now,
the entire world, with the exception
of Western Europe, North America,
and Australia, will be in famine.”
— North Texas State University professor
Peter Gunter
“In a decade, urban dwellers
will have to wear gas masks
to survive air pollution.
… by 1985 air pollution
will have reduced the
amount of sunlight
reaching earth
by one half.”
— Life magazine
“At the present rate
of nitrogen buildup,
it’s only a
matter of time
before light will
be filtered out
of the atmosphere
and none of our land
will be usable.
… By the year 2000,
if present trends continue,
we will be using up
crude oil at such a rate
… that there won’t be
any more crude oil.
You’ll drive up to the pump
and say, ‘Fill ‘er up, buddy,’
and he’ll say, ‘I am very sorry,
there isn’t any.
… The world has been chilling
sharply for about twenty years.
If present trends continue,
the world will be about
four degrees colder
for the global mean
temperature in 1990,
will be eleven degrees colder
in the year 2000.
This is about twice what
it would take to put us
into an ice age.”
— Kenneth Watt
from "Global Warming
and Massive Starvation"
NASA data had showed
that a period of warming
in the 1920’s and 30’s
was followed by
two or three decades
of cooling temperatures,
from the 1940s to 1970.
At that time some experts,
including Carl Sagan, warned us
of a possible ice age—only to have
the climate change on them.
From the 1970s to the late 1990s,
scientists began to record
warmer temperatures.
Curiously, when NASA
sounded the alarm
for global warming,
a short time later
the New York Times cited
NOAA [National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration]
data ,showing no warming
over the past 100 years
in the US.
Since then, group think, plus rewards
in government grants and university
promotions, created strong incentives
for nearly everyone to jump onto
the current escalating warming
bandwagon !
Then the climate changed again.
Global temperature data ended 2018
roughly the same as in 1998.
Doomsday theories often
begin with the phrase,
“if current trends continue.”
But current trends don’t continue.
The Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change claims
the global average temperature
could increase between
+1.4 and +5.8 °C
by the year 2100.
That's like meteorologists predicting
tomorrow’s high as somewhere between
20 and 83 degrees C,
Not a useful forecast !
CO2 has caused
much good news:
Almost half of Earth’s vegetated lands
have shown significant greening
over the past 35 years largely due
to rising levels of atmospheric
carbon dioxide, according to
a study published in the journal
Nature Climate Change.
An international team of 32 authors
from 24 institutions in eight countries
led the effort, which involved using
satellite data from NASA’s
Moderate Resolution Imaging
Spectrometer and the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration’s
Advanced Very High Resolution
Radiometer instruments
to help determine the leaf area index,
or amount of leaf cover,
over the planet’s vegetated regions.
This greening represents an increase
in leaves on plants and trees
equivalent in area to two times
the continental United States,
or more than two million square miles
of extra green leaf area per year,
compared to the early 2000’s.
The mainstream media refuses
to report such important data,
even coming from NASA and NOAA,
that do not support their
doomsday narrative.
In contrast to the dire Earth Day
predictions of 1970, climate-related deaths
have been declining strongly for 70 years.
A decline in the absolute
number of deaths occurred while
the global population increased
The individual risk of dying
from climate-related disasters
has declined almost 99%,
from the 1920s, to the present day.
At the time of the first Earth Day event
in 1970, environmentalists confidently
predicted a complete exhaustion
of the world’s oil supply by 2000.
That certainly didn't happen !
A combination of new oil-source
discoveries, better oil-extraction
technologies such as
hydraulic fracking, and
technological improvements
in fuel efficiency, have kept
the energy sector stable.
So the environmentalists
changed the subject from
running out of an important
fossil fuel ( “peak oil” ),
to the coming global
warming catastrophe,
from burning fossil fuels !
A different prediction,
but the same attack
on fossil fuels.
The leftist song changes,
but the leftist dance
remains the same --
they attack capitalism,
through an attack on
inexpensive sources
of energy that support
economic growth.
And the alleged "solution",
to all of their imaginary
catastrophes, is always
the same too:
A more powerful
more government
regulations, and
higher taxes !
Don't believe leftist
Because truth is not
a leftist value !