The article you just read
said no one knows
whether any of the
global average temperature
compilations are correct,
and that one statistic
is not useful as a proxy
for the climate on this planet.
For comparing the various
global average compilations,
we might eliminate some of them,
based on our perceived integrity
of the people compiling the statistics,
using "integrity" as a proxy for data quality.
If the people can't be trusted,
their work can not be trusted !
In that regard, NASA, NOAA,
and the Hadley British surface "data"
compilations, would be losers.
They are "guilty" of
ignoring all other
temperature compilation
methodologies that show
less global warming,
arbitrary "adjustments"
to raw data,
grossly excessive "infilling",
repeated "adjustments"
to prior "adjustments",
and last, but not least,
the hacked 2009 and 2011
ClimateGate Emails,
clearly showing
that real science,
and honest science,
took a back seat to
obvious collusion of
government bureaucrats
with science degrees,
working together
to "create" a more
persuasive 'global
warming is dangerous'
that better matched
scary predictions from
their climate models !
It's a financial conflict
of interest for the affected
government bureaucrats,
with science degrees,
in positions of "authority",
to claim that future global
warming will be dangerous,
because that prediction
gives them job security.
Those bureaucrats
will completely ignore
actual global warming
in the past 300 years,
of at least +2 degrees C.,
since the cold 1690s,
that was all good news !
It's sad that so many people
ignore their personal experiences
with the climate, over the long term,
which has been good news!
Here in Bingham Farms, Michigan,
where we've lived in the same home
since 1987, and we lived four miles
south, in a large apartment, for the
seven years before buying this home,
we have not noticed any global warming.
In fact we just had a cold winter,
and it's cold and very windy today,
on April 26, as I write this,
with the furnace on
most of the day.
Predictions for April 27,
and for the next four days,
are roughly 35 degrees F.
each morning, with a high
in the low 50's every day.
And that's after 43 years
of global warming ?
Early 2014 was extremely cold,
here in southeastern Michigan
-- so cold one morning that
the water meter inside my garage
froze, and cracked, for the first time
in the 27 years we had lived
in this house, and I had to pay
the water company $300
for a brand new water meter !
So, where the h#ll
is all the global warming
that bureaucrats
have been hysterical
about for over 30 years ?
I demand that
global warming
be sent to Michigan
immediately !
For most people
in the world,
warm is good news,
cool is bad news,
and stupid head
climate change
alarmists can't even
figure THAT out !
I'll close by saying the
global average temperature
is a statistic that works
well for only ONE thing:
— Climate change
and climate change
by the smarmy leftists,
who invented the
largest science fraud
in the history
of our planet:
That science fraud has
nothing to do with the fact
that Earth's climate changes --
not one skeptic in my 21
years of climate science
reading, has denied that !
The science fraud is the false
claim that the future climate
can be predicted, and that
future global warming,
caused by carbon dioxide,
will be 100% BAD news.
The future will allegedly be
completely the opposite of
the prior 78 years -- the 100%
GOOD news global warming
since 1940, while CO2 levels
increased a lot
( although we have no idea whether
( although we have no idea whether
CO2 levels caused any of that warming ).
We do know actual warming,
since 1975, most affected the
upper half of the Northern
Hemisphere, mainly during
the coldest six months
of the year, and mainly
at night.
So, what does actual global
warming since 1975 mean
to people ?
It means there are now
warmer, winter nights
in Alaska ... but do you
think anyone who lives
in Alaska considers that
climate change to be
bad news ?
I doubt it.
Actual global warming
has been 100%
GOOD news.
Only FUTURE global
warming is ALWAYS
predicted to be
100% BAD news,
at least in over active
leftist imaginations.
The BAD news predictions
about CO2 began with
oceanographer Roger Revelle,
in 1957, just four years after
I was born.
And that means I have been
patiently waiting for BAD news
global warming, that never
shows up, for over 61 years !
The BAD news is
ALWAYS coming
in the future,
but never shows up !
You have to be gullible,
or stupid, or a leftist
( I repeat myself )
to believe the 60+
years of CO2
Scaremongering that
reached a new peak
this year, with the
destroy the
US economy
"Green Ordeal",
presented by that
infamous socialist