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Monday, April 22, 2019

For evil leftists, "Climate Change" is science fraud, to create a fake crisis, to grab more political power

The causes of past warming
and cooling are still guesses,

The future climate
is impossible to predict.

30+ years of very wrong
climate model predictions,
are proof of that.

we're lucky 
to be living in 
the best climate 
this planet ever had, 
for humans and animals.

Even better:
The climate 
has been improving 
for over 300  years, 
since the cold 1690s
during the 
Little Ice Age !

The climate is also
getting better for the 
"C3" plants used for food 
by humans and animals, 
but is far from optimum 
for those important plants.

Based on thousands 
of scientific studies, 
"C3" plants prefer 
at least 800 to 1,200 ppm 
of carbon dioxide (CO2) 
in the air, compared 
with 410 parts per million 
in the air today.

The good news: 
CO2 in the atmosphere 
has been growing 
+2 ppm per year.

The bad news: 
At that rate, it will take 
200 to 400 years
to fully satisfy the 
CO2 hunger of C3 plants !

The joy from living 
in a wonderful, 
and improving, 
climate, is partially 
ruined by leftists.

Leftists are 
very beneficial 
CO2 plant food, 
which is harmless, 
for selfish political 
and financial gains. 

We all know 
alway want 
a lot more
political power.

It's easier 
to increase 
political power 
when there is 
a "crisis" 
to scare people.

Clever politicians 
step forward and claim 
only they can end 
the "crisis".

A "crisis" can be real 
( such as the 2007 recession ) 
... or a fake "crisis"
( such as the false claim
that man made CO2
will cause a runaway 
global warming catastrophe
at some time in the future ).

After people have been 
scared by a fake CO2 
"carbon emissions crisis",
leftists' claim their 
government needed
more power to fight 
the "crisis".

Not because the leftists 
were greedy for power,
they claimed, but for 
a very noble cause 
-- 'to save the Earth 
for the children and 
( try not to laugh 
at that fairy tale! ).

Telling the truth 
is not something 
that leftists do well,
or often.

The truth is that CO2 
is a harmless, airborne 
plant food 
-- the staff of life 
on our planet 
-- not a satanic gas 
that will eventually 
end all life on Earth. 

The truth is that the Earth 
needs much more CO2
in the air to increase
the food supply for 
humans and animals. 

How do I know
that leftists 
really don't care 
about saving 
the Earth ?

Because they 
completely ignore 
serious air, land 
and water pollution 
in China, India and 
other parts of Asia.

That Asian pollution 
is a real problem.

Asian pollution is real, 
and here now,
completely unlike the 
"runaway global warming" 
fantasy, based only on
repeated, and always wrong,
wild guess predictions 
of a "climate change crisis", 
allegedly coming 100+ years 
in the future, from CO2.

A coming catastrophe 
that will never come,
because our planet 
has had higher levels 
of CO2 than today, 
for almost all of our 
4.5 billion year history,
and there was never 
any runaway warming 
in the past 
( if there was, 
none of us would be 
here today ! )