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Monday, April 22, 2019

Refuting the CO2 is Evil religion

The Carbon Dioxide 
(CO2) is Evil
Cult says 
the climate today 
is bad, 
and getting worse.

I say the climate today 
is wonderful, 
and getting better.

The CO2 is Evil Cult 
says adding CO2 to the air 
will cause runaway warming 
that will eventually end 
life on Earth.

I say that adding CO2 
to the air is greening
the Earth, which is 
very good news, 
for the same reason 
greenhouse owners 
use CO2 enrichment 
to accelerate the growth
of their plants.

The CO2 is Evil Cult 
says CO2 controls
the climate.

I say that no one knows 
what controls the climate.

For billions of years, 
our planet has had 
more CO2  in the air 
than today 
-- and there was never 
any runaway warming 
from all that CO2
 ... or we would not be 
here today to debate 
runaway warming !

The CO2 Cult replies 
to all skepticism 
with a logical fallacy 
called an Appeal to Authority:  
'We have government bureaucrat 
scientists on our team -- 
and man made CO2 is evil, 
because they say so.' 

The CO2 Cult is based on 
'because we say so' 
non-science ( nonsense ).

What do I need to know 
about the history 
of climate change ?

Earth's climate has been 
constantly changing 
for over four billion years.

20,000 years ago,
almost all of  Canada, 
Chicago, and Detroit, 
were covered with ice, 
up to several miles thick.

The ice gradually melted.

From natural climate change.

Not from people 
burning coal, 
gasoline, heating oil 
and natural gas. 

Sea level rose over 400 feet 
as ice on the land melted 
and water flowed to the sea.

From natural climate change.

Not from people 
burning coal, 
gasoline, heating oil 
and natural gas.

The remaining ice 
is still melting 
... very slowly.

And sea level is still rising 
... very slowly 
-- about six inches a century.

What do the government 
bureaucrat "scientists" 
claim will happen ?   

A small group of 
climate modeler "scientists", 
on government payrolls,
play computer games, and 
make bizarre climate claims:

They admit there had been 
4.5 billion years of continuous 
natural climate change,

 But they claim natural climate change
 suddenly ended in about 1940, 

They claim man made 
carbon dioxide (CO2)
took over as the 
"climate controller" 
in 1940, and

They claim CO2 emissions 
from burning fossil fuels 
causes global warming 
that will never end, 
eventually destroying 
all life on Earth.

What proof do government bureaucrat
"scientists" provide that they are right 
about predictions of runaway global warming ?
No scientific proof 
has ever been provided. 

Politicians, and their government 
bureaucrat "scientist"lap dogs,
simply ignore their track record 
of 30+ years of very wrong 
climate predictions, and 
their lack of 
scientific explanations 
for their climate claims:

 Why did natural climate change
 suddenly stop ?

Bureaucrats have no answer.

How did CO2 suddenly become 
the "climate controller" ?

Bureaucrats have no answer

Why was there no warming 
from 1940 to 1975,
as CO2 levels rose ?

Bureaucrats had no answer, 
so they made one up. 

They claimed 
burning fossil fuels 
added soot to the air, 
that blocked sunlight,
 -- cooling the planet 
more than CO2 warmed it. 

But if soot blocks sunlight, 
then why was there 
global warming after 1975 ?

Bureaucrats have no answer,
implying that all the soot 
suddenly fell out of the air in 1975
... but I remember our air 
was far from clean in 1975.

How do we know 
man made CO2 
has any warming effect ?

Bureaucrats claim 
there was warming 
from 1975 to 2000,
and they claim 
CO2 causes warming, 
so they then  jump 
to the conclusion
that CO2 was the cause
 ... because they say so. 

The warming 
from 1910 to 1940 
was about two-thirds of the 
warming from 1975 to 2000 
-- so why would they not have 
the same cause?

Bureaucrats blame the 
1910 to 1940 warming on
( unknown ) natural causes, 
but claim a similar warming 
from 1975 to 2000 
was caused by 
man made CO2. 

When asked why two 
similar warming periods 
in the same century, 
would have two 
completely different causes, 
bureaucrats have no answer.

They get flustered, 
and bellow:
" We have science degrees' 
... and the science is settled,
because we say so ! "

Do government bureaucrat
"scientists" benefit from 
demonizing CO2?

Government bureaucrat 
"scientists" guarantee 
themselves lifetime 
employment security,
by claiming CO2 
is going to cause 
a climate catastrophe
 ... that only they 
can see coming 
... and only they 
are qualified to study.

The CO2 is Evil Cult claims 
two miracles happened, 
sometime around 1940, 
with no scientific 
explanations ever offered:

Natural climate change 
suddenly ended.

CO2 climate change 
suddenly started.

Those are the
two core beliefs 
of the CO2 is Evil Cult.

The CO2 is Evil Cult 
is a new secular religion, 
based on faith, just like 
traditional religions!

We've heard over 60 years 
of predictions of a coming 
climate catastrophe
 ... yet our climate 
keeps getting better
 ... and the climate 
is wonderful in 2019.

CO2 is Evil is a 
smarmy attempt 
by politicians and 
government bureaucrat 
"scientists" to scare people, 
in an effort to ensure 
their own job security, 
while falsely claiming 
they are virtuous people 
trying to save the planet.

Global average surface 
temperature measurements, 
have a margin of error 
of at least  +/- one degree C. 
... yet we have been told, 
by government bureaucrat 
"scientists", that one year 
was warmer than the prior year, 
by a few hundredths of a degree,
 ... because they say so !