Greenhouse gas warming
should warm the poles a lot
more than the tropics, where
water vapor's greenhouse effect
should overwhelm CO2's
greenhouse effect.
That's true for the
Northern Hemisphere
( but not for the
Southern Hemisphere,
which is puzzling ).
The smaller temperature differential
between the Arctic and the tropics
should result in milder weather
in the Northern Hemisphere.
And it has !
Consider the US:
For hurricanes, a new record
was set, from 2005 to 2017, for
the longest period with no major
hurricane (CAT 3+) making landfall.
The total number of landfalling
hurricanes are also in a long-term
downtrend since 1900, and there's
also a long-term downtrend for major
(CAT 3+) hurricanes since 1900.
For tornadoes, a new record was
set in 2018, with zero major (F3+)
The number of major (F3+) tornadoes
has also been in a long term downtrend
Yet every unusual US weather event,
and wildfires too, is falsely blamed
on climate change in the
mainstream media.
Because leftists are liars !
Of course, if you like to hear about
really bad weather conditions on
the TV news, you missed these four,
because they happened before anyone
had a television:
August - September 1900
-- Galveston, Texas
Over people 6,000 died
from the high winds and
the following tidal wave.
March 18, 1925
-- Missouri, Illinois and Indiana
The Great Tri-State Tornado
covered 219 miles ( 325 km )
and killed 747 people.
March 11-14, 1888
-- US east coast
400 people died
from 40 to 50 inches
( 102 to 127 cm ) of snow.
April 18, 1906
-- San Francisco
The earthquake,
and fires it caused,
destroyed 4 square
miles ( 10 sq. km. )
and 3,000 people died.