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Saturday, April 6, 2019

Thank you for 32,000 page views

Including over 1,300
page views in the 
past month !

My goal here is to provide
a public service on 
real climate science: 
 Easy to understand
one-page summaries, 
of my science reading,
which has been one of 
my hobbies since 1997,
plus easy to understand
climate charts, 
when I find them.

I also love to add some
snide remarks about how 
stupid leftists are about 
real climate science,
or just in general !

I don't predict 
global warming, 
or global cooling 
-- I don't  predict anything !

Humans have 
a very bad track record 
for predicting the future, 
and "expert" predictions
are even worse than those 
from laymen !

I don't vote for Democrats (after 1972)
or Republicans (after 1980), 
and hope that allows me to focus 
on real science, without political bias.

If new high quality data arrived, 
that convinced me future global warming 
would be dangerous, completely unlike 
beneficial global warming in the past 
300 years, those new data could change 
my conclusion about CO2.

New data could make me question 
my own data-based conclusion 
that adding CO2 to the atmosphere 
benefits our planet, for the same 
reason that smart greenhouse 
owners add CO2 to the air inside 
their greenhouses.

My conclusions are based on
good quality data, and our planet's 
experience with climate change 
in the past.

Computer game predictions 
are NOT real data.

"Infilled" (wild guessed) temperatures,
for over half of Earth's surface grid cells, 
where there are no temperature 
measurements, or data are missing,
are NOT real data.

Two days ago 
I posted charts with
these words: 
"43% of the data NOAA 
(US Commerce Dept.) used 
in the their adjusted US maximum
temperature was a wild guess, 
based on a computer model, 
NOT a real temperature 
measurement !"

"This is the largest percentage 
of wild guess "infilling"on record !"

"The fake data are marked with an “E” 

And the US is said to have the "best"
surface temperature data -- can you 
imagine the rest of the world ?

This is science fraud !

Even "adjusted" raw data, with no 
"infilling", are no longer real data 
-- they are a person's opinion of what 
the raw (real) data should have been, 
if measured correctly in the first place. 

Data "adjustments" 
can be accurate, 
and necessary, 
or biased, 
and unnecessary.

Hacked "ClimateGate" eMails suggest
government bureaucrat scientists 
are biased in favor of global warming. 

In my opinion, observing the weather over 
almost 32 years, from the same home in
Bingham Farms, MI, tells me everything 
I need to know about the climate I live in:
  Winters were too cold in 1987, when we 
bought the home, and they are still too cold 
in 2019 !

I don't care at all if the oceans are 
+1 degree C. warmer, or cooler, than 100
years ago -- do people live in the oceans?

Oceans have been warming for 20,000 years !

I don't care if sea level 
rises a few millimeters
each year 
( I do care that some people
falsely claim a few millimeters can be 
measured accurately from satellites. )

Oceans have been rising for 20,000 years
-- already up +400 feet !

I do care if the changing climate is affecting
farmers, and their food production
(which has been growing) .

That's why I've already posted three 
articles on US MidWest flooding
-- the worst farm disaster in US history -- 
I also care a lot about real 
air, water and land pollution 
in China and India.

CO2 is NOT pollution !

I care most about devious leftists seeking
a much more powerful government by
lying to people, and trying to scare them 
about beneficial carbon dioxide.  

And I will do everything I can to refute 
leftist climate scaremongering with facts, 
data and logic.

Leftists' always wrong wild guess predictions
of a coming climate catastrophe, starting in 
the late 1950s, are NOT real science. 

And leftists claiming they love science
is the biggest lie of the century !

Richard Greene,
since 1953

since 1965

since 1973

State University of New York, 
at Albany, 1975

Stern School of Business,
at New York University, 1977

Editor of an
and finance
since 1977
( named "ECONOMIC
LOGIC" since 1981 )

Married to 
wonderful wife,
since 1983

Living in 
Bingham Farms, 
since 1987

Retired, lazy bum, 
since January 2005

Editor of the 
Economic Logic Blog,
since 2008

Editor of this
Honest Global
Warming Chart Blog,
since 2014

Editor of the 
Election Circus
politics blog,
since 2016 

that global warming
appears to have 
skipped Michigan !

Does not speak French.

And author of many bad jokes.