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Saturday, April 27, 2019

Is there really a global average temperature ? ... And why should anyone care about it ?

How about trusting
NONE of the many
different global average 
temperature compilations ?

None of them 
are measurements !

They're all statistics.

There is NO global 
average temperature
that can be measured !

An average of local 
temperature measurements, 
is NOT a temperature itself.

And a single global average 
temperature does NOT 
accurately represent the 
climate of our planet.

No ONE number could do that !

The concept of averaging 
is very common in science,
but averaging should only 
be used where it makes sense.

Having a single average 
may be convenient, 
but all averages 
obscure details. 

The non-equilibrium 
( always changing )
climate system we have 
on our planet, can 
simultaneously have local
warming in some places, and 
local cooling in other places.

No physical arguments 
have been made 
for using a single average 
as a proxy for the climate
on our planet.

Proponents of a global 
average temperature have 
NEVER been required 
to demonstrate the 
physical usefulness 
of a single statistic, 
compiled from samples
of local temperatures.

The scientific role of a global 
average temperature is unclear, 
especially considering the average
is claimed to have changed only about
1 degree C. since 1880,
which a 138 years.

That's an average change 
of only 0.07 degrees C. 
per decade -- less than one 
tenth of a degree per decade !

In addition to a tiny change 
per decade, no one knows
what a "normal" average is.

Because out of 4.5 billion years of 
Earth's history, there were no 
real time temperature measurements
for 99.999% of our planet's history !

No real time measurements
were available for many nations 
until the late 1800s, and there were 
very few real time Southern Hemisphere 
measurements until after World War II.

We know it was really warm 
when dinosaurs roamed the planet.

We know it was really cold 
when Canada was covered 
by glaciers just 20,000 years ago.

It was most likely 
warmer than today,
by a few degrees C. 
about 10,000 years ago, 
after the Canadian glaciers 
had melted.

It is at least +2 degrees C. 
warmer today, than it was
in the 1690's, during the coldest
portion of the Little Ice Age, 
based on real time temperature 
records from England, and many 
anecdotes complaining about the cold,
including some famines in Europe.

The global average temperature 
is a statistic that 
can be calculated 
in many different ways.

Over one hundred different 
averages of local temperatures 
have been used in meteorology 
and climate studies.

There is no way to falsify 
ANY of the many existing 
global average temperature

Over a same period 
one average might 
show slight warming,
while another showed 
slight cooling --
there would be no way 
to prove that
one average was right, 
and the other was wrong.

There's no way to calculate, 
or even estimate, a “normal” 
global average temperature.

It is even debatable whether the 
current average temperature now 
is better, or worse, than the 
average temperature 100 years ago.

All the compilations claim 
there has been global warming 
since 1975, so we can assume 
there WAS some amount
of global warming after 1975.

If the statistics were wrong, and 
there was no warming, then there
would be cooling, because that's how 
our planet changes -- a period 
with NO change in the global average 
temperature, would be unusual. 

The compilation that reflects the
least amount of warming is UAH 
satellite data.

UAH shows that the global average 
temperature at the end of 2018, 
was about the same as the global 
average temperature at the beginning
of 2003 -- within the small claimed 
margin of error. 
( a statistically insignificant temperature change ).

The other temperature compilations, 
all show more warming than UAH,
but reflect little change 
in the global average temperature 
from the peak in 1998,  
to the end of 2018 
-- 20 years later !

That should not happen 
while CO2 levels increase.

But it did happen.

I prefer to not use 1998 as a starting
point for average temperature 
comparisons, because 1998 had a
local warming event -- a temporary
cyclical heat release from the Pacific 
Ocean called an El Nino, not caused 
by greenhouse gases -- which boosted
the global average temperature.

El Nino heat peaks are included
in temperature averages, as "global 
warming", so many skeptics don't 
differentiate 1998 from other years
that don't have a large El Nino heat

The large 1998 El Nino heat peak
could be fairly compared with the 
similarly large late 2015 / early 2016
El Nino heat peak.

No one seemed to do that, but using
UAH satellite data, the global average
temperature, at the more recent EL Nino 
heat peak, was only +0.1 degree C. warmer
than the global average temperature
at the 1998 EL Nino heat peak -- 
only +0.1 degree C. of global warming 
in 17 years !

We certainly can't trust
the surface "measurements".

They divide the earth into 
5 degree latitude
by 5 degree longitude 
grid cells.

In any month, a majority of grid cells 
have no local temperature data, or 
are missing some local temperature data.

The missing numbers are filled in 
( "infilled" ) by government bureaucrats
-- using wild guesses that can never 
be verified for accuracy.

For the remaining minority of grid cells, 
the raw temperature data are usually 
"adjusted" by government bureaucrats.

In summary, the surface temperature
compilations consist of little unadjusted 
raw data -- almost every number in 
the global average had been changed by 
government bureaucrats, before being
presented to the public.

And they will later be changed repeatedly,
from adjustments made years, or decades,
later !

No one with sense would accept surface
temperature compilations without
suspicion of bias. 

There has also been a huge drop 
in the number of surface weather 
stations since the 1960s, especially 
in the 1990s, when the number of 
weather stations in use fell by half, 
in only four years. 

The surface temperature "data"
presented to the public, 
reflect MORE global warming
than weather balloon radiosondes, 
UAH weather satellite data,
and until recently, the RSS 
weather satellite data too.

But between 2016 and 2019, 
RSS weather satellite data, which had
been similar to UAH satellite data, 
made a huge "adjustment", apparently 
to better match NASA surface "data".

       see data at this link:

Below is a comparison of various
weather satellite compilations
with data from other sources:

The  history of "adjustments" to
surface "data", strongly implies the
"adjustments" had been biased. 

The government bureaucrats who 
wild guess the infilled numbers,
and make the repeated "adjustments, 
have long been predicting dangerous 
global warming in the future.

We've noticed their "adjustments"
consistently create more global warming, 
out of thin air, usually by "cooling" the past,
but not "cooling" the present average

Sometimes they claim they are 'not 
making any temperatures warmer',
which is very misleading ( a lie ), 
because their "adjustments" 
do increase the reported 
global warming trend.

Now the RSS satellite "data" 
are suspect too, for the same reason
 -- long after the fact data "adjustments", 
that created more global warming 
out of thin air.

So now there's a significant 
temperature gap between 
surface data and
RSS satellite data 
UAH satellite data, and 
weather balloon data.

In real science:
-- The different compilations 
of the global average 
temperatures would 
be a problem.

-- To be conservative, 
one might select the
compilation showing 
the least warming.

-- Or one might average 
all the compilations.

-- The obvious uncertainty 
must be communicated 
to the public.

-- Because no one would 
ever know which compilation
was "right" ?

The science fraud 
of "climate change" 
is very different 
from real science:

- The "data" compilation 
that shows the most warming
 is always used, and other 
compilations are ignored.

-- There's not even a hint that 
the other compilations exist.

-- RSS satellite data 
were completely ignored,
for example, until after 
the recent large "adjustment" 
made them similar to NASA 
surface "data", and only then
was RSS "data" 'celebrated' 
in the mainstream media !

-- No uncertainty 
is communicated 
to the public.

( Even the 30+ years of 
grossly inaccurate computer
game temperature predictions 
are ignored, 

and the basic formula 
used for climate models, 
developed in the 1970's, 
is NEVER changed, 
in spite of decades
of wrong predictions.

I know I've mentioned 
this a hundred times here, 
but the general public
has no idea 
what's happening, 
because wrong 
predictions are 
never discussed !

The public may not even realize 
that in real science, wrong 
predictions falsify your theory ! )

Here at the Honest Global 
Warming Chart Blog,
I challenge claims by all 
temperature compilations
that their margins of error 
are only +/-  0.1 degree C.,
or less, not that any of them 
even bothers to mention
these tiny, hard to believe 
margins of error, or includes
them on any of their 
temperature charts !

The fact that data 
are haphazardly collected,
with changes in measurement 
instruments, and the numbers 
and locations of 
the measurements,
is discussed here.

The huge amount 
of wild guessing ( infilling ),
and arbitrary "adjustments"
to raw data, is discussed here.

The years, and even decades, 
after the fact "adjustments' to data, 
that almost always increase global 
warming, out of thin air, challenge 
the integrity of surface "data" compilers, 
and now the RSS weather satellite 
"data" too !

Today we'll move to a higher 
level of thinking, about physics, 
rather than a global average 
temperature statistic:

-- There is no such thing 
as a global temperature.

-- It is not a temperature 
that can be measured.

-- A global average 
is meaningless in physics --
it makes no sense 
for a planet that is not in 
thermodynamic equilibrium.

-- No one should care 
about the "average temperature"
of the oceans, because almost no one 
lives on the oceans !

-- In fact, no one lives in the 
average temperature of our planet !

-- So, why should anyone care, 
unless they were brainwashed, 
to believe that ONE climate
number is most important, 
for reasons never explained,
( because there is no honest
explanation ) !

People should care 
about their local climate,
the length of the 
growing season,
and the productivity
of our farmers.

Rich folks should care 
if the valuation of their
ocean front mansion
falsl due to rising sea levels !

An out-of-equilibrium 
climate system does not 
have only one temperature. 

A global average of 
local temperature data, 
sampled from a 
non-equilibrium field, 
is not a temperature, 
it's a statistic.

The average temperature 
does NOT drive the dynamics 
of the atmosphere and oceans, 
which are caused by gradients, 
or diferences, in thermodynamic 

In plain English, local weather
depends on temperature 

Such as the temperature differential 
between the tropics, and the poles.

In fact, greenhouse 
warming should REDUCE 
that temperature differential, 
making weather milder, 
which HAS happened in 
the Northern Hemisphere,
but NOT in the 
Southern Hemisphere.

An average of 
local temperatures
could be insensitive 
to climate change. 

Local climate depends on 
temperature gradients, 
so it's possible that 
a global average 
could change, 
without significant 
changes in 
local dynamics.

And it's also possible 
that significant local 
climate changes 
could happen, with a 
constant global average.

Local climates are not 
well represented by a 
single global average

We have a mismatch 
between several
different compilations, 
mentioned earlier,
and no one knows 
which global average
is accurate
 -- it's possible 
all compilations
are inaccurate !