A new study has suggested
that Caucasian Americans’
diet is contributing
significantly more
to climate change,
than the diets of other
demographic groups
in the country.
So, does that mean the "Coming
Climate Change Catastrophe"
needs to be renamed as:
The "Coming Caucasian-Caused
Climate Change Catastrophe" ?
Perhaps to include ALL
of the claimed causes:
The "Coming Caucasian
CO2 Climate Change
The study, published in the
Journal of Industrial Ecology,
said white people contributed
the most to greenhouse gas
emissions, at 680 kg of
carbon dioxide equivalent annually,
but added that the Black demographic
had the highest contribution
to land impacts related to food.
The study focused on three
demographic groups
- White non-Hispanic, Black,
and (white-Hispanic) Latino,
since the three represent
92.4% of the U.S. population.
The White population,
as portion of the U.S. total,
was 61.3%, " Latinx",
whatever that means,
was 17.8%, and the
Black population was 13.3%.
The study suggested that
the White group’s diet was
a greater contributor
to climate change
because of its higher
consumption of
what the authors call
“environmentally intense”
food items.
Since the climate, defined
as the average temperature,
and measured by the most
accurate methodology,
UAH satellite data,
was the same at the end
of 2018, as in 2003, I suppose
we white folks have been eating
a "pro-environment" diet
for the past 15 years !
So, keep up
the good work,
the good work,
white people !