The Climate Change Crisis Cult
has four main characteristics:
A hatred of capitalism,
including a science-free attack
on its fondation: Inexpensive
fossil fuel energy,
The demonization of CO2,
using a bizarre, made up theory
of runaway global warming,
based on no science at all,
Claiming the "science"
is settled, by the use of
bogus "97%" surveys,
with character attacks
on all skeptics, and
no scientific debate
ever allowed,
The "precautionary principal":
Even if the science
is not settled,
we can't afford to wait --
we must act now,
before it is too late !
(1) through (4)
are complete nonsense,
because the current
climate is wonderful,
has been improving
for hundreds of years,
and there are no
developing problems,
except for air, land and water
pollution in China and India,
that should be fixed with
modern pollution controls.
The Climate Change Cult phrase
"precautionary principle"
tends to confuse people.
They are saying:
'Do as we say because
the science is settled.'
They are also saying:
"Do as we say even if
the science is NOT settled.'
This adds up to:
'Do what we say,
without questions !'
Some people think
the phrase / idea of a
"precautionary principle"
comes from an old platitude:
“Better safe than sorry,”
or “Look before you leap,”
or even: “First, do no harm.”
I'm not sure
where the phrase
came from.
It has been turned
into nonsense by leftists,
lassuming it once had
a meaning that made sense.
It's not unusual for leftists
to take a sensible / useful
phrase or concept,
and turn it into garbage,
For example,
leftists have taken
the useful concept
of a minimum wage,
which could protect young,
not very bright, employees
from getting taken advantage of
by much smarter, but devious,
this is still being done
by employers getting
white collar work
for free, from unpaid
college student interns
-- and one example
was a devious boss
named Bill Clinton,
who had an unpaid intern
named Monica Lewinsky !
Mr. Clinton got the free work,
and other free services too !
The leftists turned the
useful minimum wage concept
into garbage, by promoting
a $15 minimum wage.
$15 an hour would keep
young not very bright, people
away from devious bosses
... by not being able to get a job !
I'm going to guess the
precautionary principle
may have evolved
from one of my
12 Rules of Thumb,
that I think of as a kind of
precautionary principle:
Number 10 is:
"Think twice, act once
-- measure twice, cut once."
But the Climate Change Cult
does not seem to follow
that useful advice:
They believe in thinking once
( CO2 causes global warming,
because we say so )
... and measuring once
is enough measuring
( surface temperature
measurements only ),
... to extrapolate a coming
climate catastrophe
( because we say so ),
that requires action!
That's their backwards version
of the precautionary principle.
Of course leftists
are not very bright,
because if they took
more time to think,
and considered
actual temperatures,
measured with
weather satellites
and weather balloons,
they would realize
there was no global
warming fat all rom 2003
through 2018, proving
that adding CO2 to the air
is harmless ...
... in fact adding CO2
to earth's atmosphere
was the best thing
humans have ever done,
although inadvertently,
to improve our planet,
by 'greening' the planet.
With a correct understanding
of CO2, based on real science,
the precautionary principle
would direct us to NOT slow down
the addition of CO2
to the atmosphere
( as long as fossil fuels are
burned with modern pollution controls ),
because adding CO2
is beneficial for an atmosphere
that contains too little CO2,
for the optimum growth,
of the "C3" plants used for food
by humans and animals.
Earth's climate
has been getting better
for over 300 years,
since the cold
"Maunder Minimum"
low solar energy period
in the late 1600's,
... and only a fool,
or a leftist
(I repeat myself)
would want the climate,
to stop improving!
Our current climate
is wonderful, thanks
to more CO2 in the air.
Only a fool would want
to "fix" that.
The precautionary principle,
should never be applied to
IMAGINARY problems,
that have hurt no one,
and are based on
nothing more than
wild guesses of a coming
climate change catastrophe
that never shows up.
I'm going to redefine
the precautionary principle,
in two common sense ways,
to address REAL problems.
If you notice a real problem,
such as having a car tire
with low air pressure:
Precautionary Principle (1):
It won't fix itself,
and is likely
to get worse,
so you must fix it now!
If you don't notice a real problem:
Precautionary Principle (2):
If it ain't broken,
then don't try
to "fix" it.
My 12 Rules of Thumb
For a Better Life:
(1) The Golden Rule
(2) Who said life was fair?
(3) Don't talk with a full mouth,
or an empty head.
(4) When in doubt,
tell the truth.
(5) If you wouldn't write it,
and sign it,
then don't say it.
(6) Character is what you do
when no one is watching.
(7) A wise man changes his mind;
a fool, never.
(8) Don't believe predictions,
of the future.
(9) Perfection is the enemy,
of getting a job done on time.
(10) Think twice, act once --
-- measure twice, cut once.
(11) Without data,
all you have
is an opinion.
(12) If it was fun,
they wouldn't have
to pay you
to do it.