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Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Past global warming has been 100% good news -- No one with sense would want to stop global warming, even if stopping it was possible

"Climate change" 
was officially 
re-defined June 1992 
by a United Nations 
Convention on 
Climate Change 
in Rio de Janeiro as:

“A change of climate 
which is attributed directly 
or indirectly to human activity ... 
which is in addition to natural 
climate variability”.

Apparently, “climate change” 
today no longer includes
“natural climate variability”. 

Earth's climate has significantly
improved from the mild 
global warming after the 
coldest decade of the
Little Ice Age, in the 1690s.

Global warming has been
100% good news for over
300 years.

Maybe some connection
to variations of solar energy,
as reflected in sunspot counts,
a proxy for solar energy

No one with sense would want 
to stop iglobal warming !

Climate change is a natural process
on our planet, and has been for
4.5 billion years.

When dinosaurs were alive, 
our planet was much warmer,
and had much more CO2
in the air. 

Life flourished.

Including green plants.

Almost all dinosaurs 
ate plants, and they 
must have been big
eaters !

A popular belief system 
has replaced real climate

Computer games
( aka "models" ),
making grossly inaccurate
climate predictions,
have replaced established 
scientific facts, such as:

CO2 levels do NOT 
control the climate,

Changing CO2 levels 
can NOT cause
global warming,

We are all living in the 
Pleistocene Ice Age,
near the END of the mild
climate Holocene interglacial
period, which will be replaced
by the next COLDER 
glacial phase,

Earth has been COOLING for 
most of the past 
55 million years, 
and Antarctica, which froze 
over 40 million years ago, 
and will remain frozen 
for millions of more years, 

The last time BOTH 
average temperatures 
and CO2 levels were as 
LOW as they have been
in the Pleistocene ice age 
was 300 MILLION years ago, 
during another ice age, 
the Permo-Carboniferous.