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Saturday, March 30, 2019

Where the climate skeptics, especially the "lukewarmers", go wrong


Earth's climate has been gradually 
warming, and improving, since
the 1690s, during the Little Ice
Age, when it got so cold there
were some famines in Europe.

It is most likely at least
+2 degrees C. warmer now.

More recently, including 
very haphazard non-global 
surface measurements 
made before World War II, 
the global average temperature
increased roughly + 1 degree C.
since 1880.

Since 1940, the global average
temperature, in the modern
"age of man made CO2 emissions",
based on surface measurements
that are still questionable,
increased at an average of 
+0.077 degrees C. per decade,
( or +0.6 degrees C. in 78 years ).

Since 2003, the global average
temperature, based on more 
accurate satellite measurements,
that are close to being global,
did not increase at all, through
the end of 2018.


Real Scientists: 
People who do not pretend 
to know what the future climate 
will be.

They study the past climate, 
and try to explain the changes, 
but there are many unanswered 

Some real scientists focus on 
the benefits of atmospheric 
CO2 enrichment, on plant growth.

"Bureaucrats" With 
Science Degrees:

This is where the climate money is !

Government grants and 
government salaries !

But they must believe,
and predict, that a coming 
climate change catastrophe 
is already in progress.

To keep their government money
flowing, they must confidently 
predict future warming at 
quadruple the rate of past
global warming, since 1940 
( see next article )
because that's what the 
UNs IPCC predicts.

To keep their government money
flowing, they must never admit
past predictions of a coming 
climate catastrophe have been
wrong since the late 1950's,
and that their computer game
predictions were, on average,
almost triple the actual warming !

The "Lukewarmers"
These are scientists and ordinary
people who are confident rising 
atmospheric CO2 levels cause
global warming.

They also believe the warming 
will be mild, and we should do
something about it, but we
should not panic.

This seems like a moderate,
thoughtful compromise
position, but being in the 
middle of the road gets 
people run over by traffic
on both sides !

They are easily marginalized
by a leftist trick that I'll
describe later.

Ye Editor:
Although I have a BS degree,
I try not to BS people about 
climate change !

I started reading about climate 
science in 1997, as a hobby.

It took me about one day to 
reject 100-year climate predictions
as wild guesses likely to be wrong.

It took me 10 years before I wrote
my first climate change article,
in 2007, and seven more years 
for my next climate change article,
in 2014.  Both were in my economics
and finance newsletter, ECONOMIC
LOGIC, which is another hobby.
( I also have an MBA degree )
My free economics blog, since 2008,
supports that newsletter:

I started this blog for newsletter
subscribers, to update the 2014 
article. Over the next few years 
I allowed others to know the URL
of this blog, as a public service.

There have been over 31,500
page views so far.

I've been retired since 2004, 
at age 51, so had more time for
writing. So I eventually added three
blogs to the newsletter I have published 
since 1977.

My goal: 
Summarize real science
articles in simple language, and 
insult leftists whenever I can,
because they lie, and mislead, 
so often about climate change.

The coming climate change
catastrophe "fairy tale" 
is the original fake news,
not the "Trump Russian 
Collusion Delusion" !

I hope you enjoy reading.
( The narrow columns are 
because I have a vision
problem, not because my
computer is broken ! )

Richard Greene,
since 1953,
Bingham Farms, Michigan
since 1987,
patiently waiting for global
warming to reach Michigan,
since 1977 !

Some scientists 
are starting to focus 
on worst case
estimates of future
climate change.

In fact, no one on Earth
knows what the future
climate will be.

And no one knows if the
average temperature 
will be warmer, or colder, 
100 years from now.

Past global warming 
was 100% good news !

But the very smarmy
"Climate Change Cult"
always predicts 
the future climate 
will be 100% bad news !

So it is no surprise they
are now focusing on the 
"worst case", 
of the future bad news 
they have 
always predicted !

In fact, these 
wild guess 
climate predictions 
have nothing to do 
with real science 
-- they are actually
climate astrology.

In fact, worst case estimates
are worthless, but discussing 
them does give them credibility !

There are some scientists
who believe CO2 warms the 
planet, but don't agree with the
fast warming rate that the 
UN's IPCC predicts.

They are often called 
and they are now 
being drawn into the 
"worst case debate".

Like the Climate Change Cult,
"lukewarmers" seem to ignore
actual past global warming,
which has been mild, harmless,
and beneficial for plant growth
-- 100% good news !

Many "lukewarmers"
don't seem to know
the future climate 
can't be predicted.

How many more decades 
of wrong predictions 
are needed to prove that ?

Some "lukewarmers"
are now participating 
in the "worst case debate".

What they are missing,
and I have to assume 
because they're 
not very bright,
is what I see as the 
potential worst case:
global warming 
as "dangerous,
overreacting to it, 
and causing very 
serious economic 
and health problems
for all the people 
living on our planet 
right now !

The "Green Ordeal" 
is the best example 
of a potential gross
overreaction to a 
climate problem ! 

Trying to implement 
the "Green Ordeal"
would be a real 
'existential threat' 
to the US economy !

If the "Green Ordeal's"
unaffordable cost, and
economic disruption,
is not the most likely 
climate change
"worst case", 
then I don't know
what is !

MIT Professor 
Richard S. Lindzen, PhD,
( Atmospheric Sciences ), 
had summed up 
what I am trying to say,
ten years ago, in 2009 
( his huge sentence is 
reformatted for easier 
understanding ):

“Future generations 
will wonder, 

in bemused amazement, 

that the early 
twenty-first century’s 
developed world, 

went into
a hysterical panic, 

over a 
globally averaged 
temperature increase, 

of a few tenths 
of a degree, 

and, on the basis of 
gross exaggerations, 

of highly uncertain 
computer projections, 

combined into 
implausible chains 
of inference, 

proceeded to 
a roll-back 
of the industrial age.”

Richard S. Lindzen, in 2009 
MIT Professor of Atmospheric Sciences, 
member of the National Academy of Sciences, 
and former lead author, U.N. Intergovernmental 
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

There are too many assumptions
behind the leftist predictions
of a coming climate change
catastrophe -- predictions
that started with Roger Revelle 
in the late 1950s.

The predictions start
with the assumption 
that rising CO2 levels 
MUST cause 
global warming, 
and atmospheric 
CO2 levels 
MUST 'control' 
the average 
of our planet:

- There are lab experiments
that suggest CO2 should
cause warming in the 

- There are also temperature 
measurements, since 1940,
that reflect a declining, or
flat, average temperature
trend, two thirds of the time, 
as CO2 levels continuously 

That means the science
is unclear, not settled.

And that's why the Climate
Change Cult won't debate
the science -- they cut off
all debate with character 
attacks ( "climate denier"! ),
and false science claims
( "the science is settled" ! ).

Cult members 
merely assume
CO2 causes a lot of
global warming,
and focus on 
scary predictions 
of a coming climate 
change catastrophe.

That focus started with
"professer" Al Gore
in the 1990s.

Al Gore's actual poor college grades, 
for the two simple science courses he took:
- Natural Sciences 6 (Man's Place in Nature) = grade of "D"
- Natural Sciences 118 = grade of "C+"
                          Source: The Washington Post, 2000

And it accelerated
until 2018.

Now our latest, greatest 
"climate perfesser", 
shifted the attention,
by publicizing the
current version 
of the Green Party's 
"Green Ordeal".

So now the underlying 
science is assumed 
to be correct, and the 
coming climate change
catastrophe is ALSO 
assumed to be correct.

They've jumped two steps 
up the "assumption ladder",
and now debate is avoided
about those first two steps,
by launching the usual
character attacks. 

There are scientists
who "believe in" 
the coming
climate catastrophe, 
simple because
they have to believe it 
if they want to keep 
getting government 
grants and paychecks !

There are also scientists 
who don't believe in a
coming climate catastrophe, 
but they are only willing 
to debate how much 
warming CO2 will cause,
not the minimal 
underlying science.

Some call them "lukewarmers".

Climate Change 
Cult members
can easily marginalize 
climate "lukewarmers"
by invoking their 'glorious'
Precautionary Principle,
which they made up 
out of thin air,
to convince people
that climate change 
MUST be considered 
to be a coming disaster, 
because the world 
can't afford to wait, 
and see that they 
were right all along !

"Lukewarmers" skip the first step 
of the assumption ladder, by refusing
to debate the very little real science
( only simple closed system lab experiments ),
supporting climate change claims.

Now, some "lukewarmers"
have skipped the second step 
of the assumption ladder,
by discussing the 
worst case estimates,
of how bad the future
climate change crisis
will be.

In fact, worst case estimates
are worthless, but discussing 
them can give them credibility !

"Lukewarmers" are starting 
to debate worst case estimates,
in spite of the fact that no one
knows whether the future climate
will be warmer, or cooler.

We do know the global
average temperature
has increased since the 
"era of man made 
CO2 emissions" began,
in roughly 1940.

The actual warming rate 
since 1940 has been 
+0.077 degrees C. per decade,
or +0.77 degrees C. in 100 years.
( see next article for details ).

If that rate of warming 
continued for the next 100 years, 
the average global temperature 
would be up a harmless
+0.77 degrees C. in 2119 !

There's no reason to expect 
a faster warming rate, 
because the expected 
incremental greenhouse
warming effect of CO2 
declines rapidly as CO2 
levels increase.

Even if actual warming 
in the next 100 years 
was double the 
global warming rate 
of the past 78 years, 
that would mean 
+1.54 degrees C. 
of global warming 
in the next 100 years 
-- also harmless -- 
and not much more than 
the claimed +1 degree C.
of global warming 
we've actually had 
since 1880, 138 years ago,
if you trust the haphazard
measurements (I don't).

There is no logical reason 
to speculate about 
a future warming rate 
of triple or quadruple 
the past warming rate
since 1940.

Yet the IPCC, since 1990, 
has predicted a future warming
rate of +3 degrees C. per century, 
almost quadruple the actual 
+0.77 degree C. warming rate 
since 1940 !

And they compound that 
excessive warming prediction,
with a worst case prediction 
of a huge CO2 growth rate
( aka RCP8.5 ), that is 
much faster than the actual 
CO2 level rise in the past 
few decades !

We have a lot of experience
with actual global warming.

We discovered that natural
climate change can be huge.

20,000 years ago, Chicago,
Detroit ,and 95% of Canada,
were covered by thick glaciers.

They melted in 10,000 years.

To the best of our knowledge,
prior episodes of global warming
never exceeded a warming rate 
of +0.1 degree C. per decade.

Nevertheless, the IPCC, 
has always predicted 
+0.3 degrees C. per decade 
of global warming over the 
next century.

The physics of exactly
what causes climate change
is unknown, so the future 
average temperature 
is also unknown.

The ending date of the current 
mild climate Holocene 
interglacial is also unknown.

With two huge unknowns,
there's no logical way to 
predict if the future climate
will be warmer or colder,
not to mention predicting 
the actual future average 

The "lukewarmers" seem to 
ignore those unknowns too, 
perhaps because they are 
reluctant to tell the truth: 
 Real climate science 
has many unanswered 
questions !

In our world today, 
people who earn 
a science degree,
and then say: 
"I don't know", or 
"We don't know",
will be ignored, 
even though
those are the 
correct answers
for predictions 
of the future climate ! 

A worst case warming rate
of CO2 can be estimated 
by assuming CO2 caused 
ALL of the global warming 
after 1975 
( with no scientific proof
that ANY of the warming was 
actually caused by CO2. )

That worst case 
CO2 warming 
estimate would be
a warming rate 
of less than 
+ 1 degree C.
per century, 
even if CO2 levels 
rise +3 ppm per year
( 50% faster than the
current growth rate 
of + 2 ppm per year ).

So there is no 
logical reason 
to assume 
a worst case 
of more than
+1 degree C. of
global warming 
per century.

Unfortunately, the
Climate Change Cult 
does not care about logical,
reasonable assumptions.

Why should they?

They've been making 
very wrong climate 
change predictions 
to get attention, and 
government funding,
since the late 1950s.

The mainstream media ignores 
their wrong predictions.

Schools don't teach about 
their wrong predictions. 

Essentially, government bureaucrats
with science degrees get paid for
scary, wrong climate predictions,
just like some scientists were paid
to predict that cigarettes were safe ! 

Participating in any discussion, or 
debate, about "worst case future
climate change", implies that humans
are capable of estimating what 
the future climate will be, or could be.

Man Made 
Climate Change
is a political game, 
not real science.

It is intended to scare people,
and promote more government 
power over the private sector,
as a solution to a (fake) problem.

For some Cult members, 
climate change alarmism 
is used to promote the
redistribution of wealth, 
and communism.
( see quotes below )

"Lukewarmers" who participate
in any discussion of "worst case
climate change" are not behaving 
as skeptics, and promoting real science !

Wild guesses of the future climate
are NOT real science !

"No matter if the science is all phony ... Climate change (provides) the greatest chance to bring about justice and equality in the world."
                               Christine Stewart, 
                            Canadian environmental minister

We've already had too much economic growth in th US. Economic growth in rich countries like ours is the disease, not the cure."
                                 Paul Ehrlich, 
                                      "green guru"

“ … developed countries have basically expropriated the atmosphere of the world community.  But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy.  Obviously, the owners of coal and oil will not be enthusiastic about this.  One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy.  This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole.”  
                          Ottmar Edenhofer
Professor of the Economics of Climate Change at the Technical University of Berlin, co-chair of Working group III of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Deputy Director and Chief Economist at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, and Fellow of the Academy of Sciences in Hamburg, Germany. 

"To capture the public imagination, we have to offer up some scary scenarios, make simplified dramatic statements and little mention of any doubts one might have. Each of us has to decide the right balance between being effective, and being honest."
                             Stephen Schneider, 
                                             climate alarmist,
                                from the October 1989 Discover magazine