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Monday, April 8, 2019

Scafetta and Willson, 2019 -- new study blames 1980 to 2000 warming on increased solar energy

In a new paper, 
two astrophysicists 
suggest a “significant 
percentage” of recent 
climate change 
has been solar-driven.

They attack the IPCC-preferred,
model-based, PMOD solar data set 
and support the ACRIM, based on 
observation, which shows increased
solar energy ( total solar irradiance,
or TSI ) from 1980 to 2000 
( post World War II global warming 
was from 1975 to 2003 ).

"The PMOD is based 
on proxy modeled predictions, 
“questionable” modifications, 
and degraded, “misinterpreted” 
and “erroneously corrected” 

"The PMOD TSI composite 
“flawed” results were an 
“unwarranted manipulation” 
of data intended to support 
man made global warming,
but are  “contraindicated”."

"After the fact corrections 
by those who did not participate 
in the original science teams 
of satellite experiments 
are that erroneous interpretations 
of the data can occur 
because of a lack of detailed 
knowledge of the experiment 
and unwarranted manipulation 
of the data can be made 
based on a desire to support 
a particular solar model 
or some other non-empirical bias." 

"We contend that 
the PMOD TSI composite 
construction is compromised 
in both these ways.”

“The use of unverified modified 
data has fundamentally flawed 
the PMOD TSI satellite composite 

"The ACRIM TSI supports 
the conclusion that 
“a significant percentage” 
of climate change 
in recent decades 
was driven by TSI variation."

“ACRIM composite trending 
is well correlated with the 
record of global mean temperature 
anomaly over the entire range 
of satellite observations 
[Scafetta. 2009]. 

The climate warming hiatus 
observed since 2000 is inconsistent 
with CO2 greenhouse warming. 

"A number of other studies 
have pointed out that climate change 
and TSI variability are strongly correlated 
throughout the Holocene including 
the recent decades 
(Scafetta, 2009,  
Scafetta and Willson, 2014, 
Scafetta, 2013, 
Kerr, 2001, 
Bond et al., 2001, 
Kirkby, 2007, 
Shaviv, 2008, 
Shapiro et al., 2011, 
Soon and Legates, 2013, 
Steinhilber et al., 2012, 
Soon et al., 2014).”

“The global surface temperature 
of the Earth increased 
from 1970 to 2000 
and remained nearly stable 
from 2000 and 2018."

"This pattern is not reproduced 
by CO2 AGW (man made) climate models 
but correlates with a TSI evolution 
with the trending characteristics 
of the ACRIM TSI composite 
as explained in Scafetta [6,12, 27] 
and Willson [7].”

There is also a decent correlation 
between the annual England 
maximum and mean temperatures 
and the annual sunshine hours: