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Monday, April 8, 2019

Modern "climate change" is not really science at all !.

Modern "climate change" 
is not real science at all.

It is the false demonization 
of carbon dioxide, 
led by activists, 
leftist politicians, and leftist 
government bureaucrat 
"scientists" they have 
hired to play computer games 
and make scary climate predictions.

Wild guess (wrong) predictions 
about runaway global warming 
are used to scare and control 
ordinary people.

"The whole aim 
of practical politics
 is to keep the populace alarmed 
( and hence clamorous 
to be led to safety ) 
by menacing it with 
an endless series 
of hobgoblins, 
all of them imaginary."
   H. L. Mencken

Welcome to the latest boogeyman 
in the Leftist False Boogeyman Cult.

The 'Cult' started with DDT 
in the 1960s, followed by Acid Rain, 
Hole in the Ozone Layer, 
Global Cooling, Global Warming, 
and now Climate Change.

When climate change 
stops scaring people, 
there will be 
a new boogeyman !

Here's the (lack of) "science" 
in the climate change cult:

30 years of grossly inaccurate 
average temperature predictions 
from computer models that don't work,

Raw temperature data that gets "lost",

Repeated arbitrary "adjustments" 
of already adjusted historical 
temperature data, that consistently 
create more warming,

Focus only on surface temperature data, 
where over half the Earth' surface 
has no thermometers, or missing data,
so you get to make up the temperature
 numbers for those areas,

Completely ignore temperature data 
from weather satellites, 
and weather balloons,
even though the greenhouse effect 
takes place in the troposphere, 
because both reflect less global warming 
than the surface measurement / wild guess  
Use Antarctica ice core proxy studies for CO2
levels before 1958, but completely ignore
temperature data from the same ice cores,

When there was no global warming 
from the early 2000's to 2015, 
you panic and offer over 
50 explanations why CO2 
in the atmosphere could go up 
over 25% with no global warming
 -- "the pause" !

When skeptics mock your 
false explanations year after year, 
in 2015 you suddenly decide 
to "adjust" the historical data 
... and on that day 
a twelve-year temperature "pause" 
magically disappeared 
from the climate history books.

When questioned about 
the arbitrary warming 
"adjustments" to ocean 
surface temperatures 
made in the year 2015, 
the explanation is: 
"Because We Have PhD's, 
and We Say So!" 

21 years of climate change reading,
from 1997 through 2018
 -- and I still don't know 
what the climate 
will be like in 100 years, 
or in ten years.

No one else knows, 
but that doesn't stop 
some people from telling you
the future, with great confidence !

What I've learned about 
climate science is not what 
the climate scaremongers say.

What I've learned is not
what children are brainwashed
 to believe in school.

After 30 years of grossly inaccurate 
computer game climate predictions, 
no one should listen to the 
climate scaremongers anymore.

The grossly inaccurate 
climate predictions 
are evidence that 
climate science is still 
a lot of questions, 
and few answers.

The scaremongering is political, 
not scientific.

The political goal is empowering 
left-wing politicians and central 
governments to control energy use.

Everyone uses energy 
... and leftists love 
to control people !