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Saturday, April 20, 2019

The myths about California wildfires

Hot, dry weather 
doesn’t cause wildfires.

It just makes them worse. 

Most important is "dry".

California is seasonally dry.

A few tenths of a degree of 
global warming would make 
almost no difference.

President Trump 
stated the primary
reason the 
2018 wildfires 
were so large, 
and difficult
to put out.

As usual, 
CA leftists 
Trump said.

California wildfires 
had nothing to do 
with climate change.

California's wildfires 
had everything to do 
with public forests 
that are not managed !

The authorities
just let them grow.

The forests are too thick.

Efforts to prevent fires,
 and preserve forests, 
have been too successful
 — they disrupt the 
ecological balance, 
allowing too many
trees to grow.

Some California forests 
have more than 
1,000 trees per acre.

Overcrowded forests.

40 to 60 trees per acre 
would be ideal. 

Forests filled 
with dead trees,
piles of logs, 
and thickets 
of small trees,
are perfect for 
severe wildfires. 

That's why wildfires 
are getting bigger, 
and more destructive.

The thickest forest, or the 
oldest chaparral, is the most
dangerous environment 
for a catastrophic fire.

Stupid politicians will spend money 
to fight wildfires, but ignore forest
management, needed to reduce 
the fuel for future fires.

Stupid politicians will also blame 
climate change, when the real problem
is the lack of forest management.

Thinning dangerously overcrowded 
forests will prevent fires, and / or 
make them easier to put out.

California is also losing forests 
on federally owned land, 
at an average rate of 
about 26,000 acres per year, 
because of no replanting 
after catastrophic forest fires.