The next four articles
are summaries of
scientific experiments.
The results are not unusual.
There are thousands of
similar experiments
proving higher CO2 levels
benefit C3 plants -- those
plants commonly used
for human and animal food.
The link below is to
a 1,078 page summary
of thousands of
similar experiments:
The link below is to
a 20-page summary
of the 1,078 page summary:
Climate Alarmists,
without exception
( that I know of ),
predict only
negative effects
from rising
CO2 concentrations,
on the biosphere.
Of course, with
Climate Alarmists,
the bad news is
always coming
in the future,
but never arrives !
It appears that
Climate Alarmists
have been
to ignore
all information
showing that
elevated CO2
has only been
by good news.
Adding CO2
to the
has produced
only good news
for over 300 years --
no one has been hurt,
especially the
green plants !
An overwhelming
amount of high quality
scientific literature,
positive plant growth
responses to
higher levels of CO2.
Yet Climate Alarmists
stubbornly refuse
to accept findings
of thousands
of experiments,
some summarized
here on this blog today,
and others summarized
here in the past month.
Climate Alarmists
falsely claim
they can "see"
future, imaginary,
plant stresses,
allegedly caused
( not in reality )
by global warming,
such as droughts
and heat waves,
that they believe
are mort important
than the impacts
of elevated CO2
on plant growth.
As usual, a coming
crisis is always in
their imaginations,
and ONLY in their
Recent studies confirming
the benefits of enhanced CO2
for plant growth, following
this article, add to the
existing thousands of studies,
... and the fact that
greenhouse owners
around the world
buy and use
CO2 enrichment
systems in their
As I like to tell brainwashed
"CO2 is Evil Cult"
Climate Alarmists:
What could greenhouse
owners possibly know
about growing plants ?
Not much, according to
the Climate Alarmists !
According to
Climate Alarmists,
who always think
they know better,
greenhouse owners
around the world
are fools, wasting
their money on CO2
enrichment systems,
and buying fossil fuels
to burn, to create
much higher CO2 levels
inside their greenhouses.
Climate Alarmists
think they know
many things,
that they
do not know.
They foolishly
think they know:
-- Earth's climate 100 years in the future,
-- The exact effect of CO2 on climate,
-- Enhanced CO2 has a negative effect on plants
The above beliefs
are all false beliefs --
the beliefs of fools with a
very strong confirmation bias,
who reject all real science
that does not demonize CO2
... and falsely believe
they can predict the climate,
100 years into the future.
They even believe
wild guess,
always wrong,
of the future climate
are real science !
They are a Climate Change Cult.
They even reject 78 years
of actual experience with
adding man made CO2 to the
atmosphere, since 1940,
which was accompanied by
mild, intermittent, pleasant
global warming.
Alarmists ignore
climate reality
by claiming,
with no logical explanation.
that the future climate
will be very different,
from the past climate,
based on computer games.
The future warming rate
they predict,
with CO2 levels rising,
the actual warming rate,
with CO2 levels rising,
from 1940 through 2018 !
And their "scientific proof",
is always the same :
"Because we say so,
and anyone who disagrees
with us, is a science denier,
who takes money from
oil companies ! "
In plain English, Climate
Alarmists are brainwashed,
mental cases who live
in a wonderful climate,
improving for hundreds
of years, and all they can
"see" is a coming climate
catastrophe !
That belief started with
Roger Revelle, and a small
group of scientists, in 1957.
That 1957 belief morphed
into a climate change
"religion" in the 1980s,
where no climate belief
can ever be falsified !
So Climate Alarmists will
also reject, without reading
past the abstract, every
scientific study proving
higher CO2 levels benefit
C3 plants, and the people
and animals who eat them.
There is no way
to change
the closed mind
of a Climate Alarmist,
blind to reality.
Hitting them upside the head
with a rolled up Sunday New
York Times might help,
but who wants to waste money
on a biased New York Times,
that lied about Trump Russian
Collusion since 2016, with no
evidence their attacks on
Trump were true ?
I'm not a Trump fan,
but I'm less of a fan
of lying by the
mainstream media
-- something that
I have observed
over 21 years
of reading about
climate science,
as one of my hobbies.
Leftists lie to get
the power they want.
Truth is not a leftist value.
Leftists evade debate
on any subject
by launching rude
character attacks.
Just try to debate any leftist
on the coming climate change
catastrophe, that exists
only in their overactive
Debate will be over in less than
one minute, if you are lucky,
and you are likely to be
ridiculed as a science denier,
perhaps ridiculed as a
Trump climate change
hoax believer.
Polite leftists will merely cut off
debate, by changing the subject.
The leftists are the same people
who deny the science of over
three thousand scientific
experiments proving that
plants love higher CO2 levels
... as in the four study
summaries that follow,
and some prior summaries
on this blog too.
Please consider that if almost
all scientific studies found
higher CO2 levels were BAD
news for plants, I would be the
first person to write that here.
As a libertarian since 1973,
I have no ties to Democrat
or Republican positions
on climate change.
In fact, and I hate to admit it,
but I don't even know what
the libertarian position
on climate change is,
nor do I want to know
-- that knowledge might
influence me, and I'd have
to switch parties -- perhaps
to the Yoga Goat Party !
I do know that President Trump
has called climate change a
"hoax", instigated by China
-- not a brilliant statement !
So, as a result, I stopped using
the word "hoax"-- I now call
the coming climate change
catastrophe: "science fraud",
and the people who believe it
are leftist mental cases
( I sometimes repeat myself ).
Enjoy the climate.
It's been improving,
getting milder,
for your whole life.
Enjoy your life too.
Don't imagine,
and believe,
the future climate
must be bad news,
after hundreds of years
of climate good news,
like the always angry
Climate Alarmists do !
If you want to help
the environment,
there are plenty
of problems that
need work, ranging
from topsoil erosion,
to air pollution in
Chinese and Indian cities,
to 500,000 homeless
Americans littering
city streets with
used syringes, urine
and feces.
Adding CO2 to the air,
when done with
modern pollution controls,
is not a problem at all,
except for the
Climate Alarmist !
Wrong since
the late 1950s,
predicting a
as the actual
climate gets
better and better !
If that's not the
definition of a
"mental case",
then I don't know
what is !
Richard Greene
May 17, 2019
Bingham Farms, Michigan