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Saturday, May 18, 2019

The Extinction Delusion -- Environmentalist Scaremongering Reaches New Heights of Computer Game Absurdity

Earlier this month 
a UN committee 
of 145 scientists, 
from 50 countries, 
declared that 
one million species 
are set for extinction. 

Nature is in 
its worst shape
in human history, 
the UN propaganda 

The UN extinction claims
are computer game-generated
science fraud.

Just like the fictional coming 
climate change catastrophe !

This is just more 
fictional environmental 
from smarmy leftists, 
now in their
sixth decade 
of environmental 

Of course this "study" 
was done to get attention, 
and funding, for the UN 
-- no one knows 
what's going 
to happen 
in the future.

The UN has now officially 
expanded its mission 
to include the fake
“climate change 
species extinction" 

The UN wants to be in charge 
of a new, fictional crisis.

This is the same self-serving
tactic the UN has used 
with climate change
since the 1980s.

Species extinction 
is just a new layer of
fictional environmental 
a leftist disease 
that started in the 
early 1960s with the 
attack on DDT.

Every environmental 
prediction of doom, 
starting with 
the DDT scare
in the early 1960s, 
has been wrong.

It's interesting that, 
in the devious
minds of so-called 
the future 
is always grim, 
and the alleged solution 
is always strict, new
government regulations 
and new taxes.

A more powerful 
socialist government 
is the leftist "answer"
for every coming crisis
( that never comes ).

Interesting that leftists 
have always wanted a 
more powerful socialist
government, long before
they dreamed up the strategy
of fake environmental scares,
that only they could prevent !

While leftists are 
always angry
and pessimistic, 
life on Earth keeps
improving, with the 
climate getting milder, 
and more pleasant, 
while our planet is
also significantly 

The wild guess 
extinction predictions
are based on 
computer models,
of course, and 
we all know models
do not produce data.

Models will predict 
whatever computer 
tell them to predict.

Modelers "forgot" to allow 
for genetic variation, and 
that alone caused gross
overestimation of the 
future extinction rate, 
as if anyone could predict 
the future extinction rate.

The usual devious plan
is to take one small study,
perhaps a faulty study 
that can't be replicated,
and extrapolate it globally.

Some saltwater 
ocean fish 
were landlocked 
by an earthquake
in 1964. 

Fifty years later, 
the descendants 
of those fish were 
freshwater fish. 

The UN's 
would have 
you believe 
that was impossible,
but it happened.

In fact, we humans 
have done a good job
of preventing 
species extinctions.

We have more 
land protected 
in national parks, 
and more funding 
to research 
and guard 
natural spaces, 
than ever before 
in history.

The UN is using 
the usual unverified 
computer models ... 
that "count" species 
not yet discovered !

Biologist Edward O. Wilson, 
from Harvard University,
estimated that up to 50,000 
species go extinct every year, 
based on computer models 
of the number of potential,
but as yet undiscovered,
species in the world. 

The claim that 
50,000 species 
are going extinct, 
exists only in 
Mr. Wilson’s 
Harvard computer !

How about a list 
of the Latin names
of those 50,000 species,
Mr. Wilson ?

I won't hold my breath
waiting for that list,
because it will never exist !

The only mammal extinction 
that was officially blamed on 
“man-made” climate change, 
( actually, from natural climate change )
was a brown rat colony that
washed up on a sand dune, 
a few hundred meters long, 
in the middle of the ocean. 

Those unlucky rats 
survived for 
unknown years, 
located 50 kilometers
off Papua, New Guinea. 

Let's get back to reality:

The worst pollution
is in the nations 
with a low income 
per capita --
when people 
are hungry 
they raze forests. 

The most polluted cities are in
Ghana, Ukraine, Bangladesh,
Zambia, Argentina, and Nigeria.  

The most deforestation occurs 
in Brazil, Indonesia, Russia, 
and Mexico. 

The worst air pollution 
is in Indian and Chinese cities.

Only rich nations 
have the resources 
to save the environment.

Rich nations 
also produce 
more CO2.

Rich nations are solving 
environmental problems 
much faster than 
poor nations are. 

Rich nations 
will protect 
fish stocks,
for one example.

The UN claims there are 
more than 400 ocean 
‘dead zones’, totaling 
more than 245,000 km2
 -- a combined area greater 
than the United Kingdom.

But oceans, in total, cover 
510 million square kilometers,
so the claimed "dead zones" 
are only 0.05%. 

That ocean pollution
comes mostly 
from Southeast Asia,
not from the US, 
or from Europe ! 

Five times in the past, 
Earth has undergone 
mass extinctions 
where much 
of life on Earth 
died, like the one 
that killed 
the dinosaurs. 

Some people are saying 
the UN report is about 
the sixth great extinction.

That description is a lie,