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Saturday, June 29, 2019

Rappin' about climate change -- part 5

In the science fraud of modern
climate change "astrology", the 
same people who predict a scary
coming climate crisis, also own
the historical global average
temperature record.

This is a conflict of interest,
because they can "adjust"
historical data, whenever
they feel like "adjusting" it,
in an underhanded attempt
to show their global warming
predictions were accurate 
... and "adjust" they do.

And then they re-adjust,

And then they re-re-adjust.

Which is the subject
of my next article:
 What used to be significant 
global cooling from 1940
to 1975, was gradually 
"adjusted", out of existence.

Surprised ?

Only if you don't understand
how leftists operate.

Truth is NOT a leftist value.

That's why this blog exists,
as a public service, 
to refute the climate
scaremongering, and 
point out that our climate
has been getting better
for hundreds of years,
at least until last winter,
which was unusually cold
in the US.

The willingness to lie,
to get what they want,
explains why Democrats
in the US invented
the evidence-free
Trump Russian 
Collusion Delusion, 
out of thin air,
in summer 2016, 
to smear candidate Trump.

That lie led to my 
Election Circus 
politics blog in 2016.

Most Democrats 
the collusion charge,
after four investigations
found no evidence,
with two investigations
led by Democrats
( the nine-month Obama FBI 
investigation, and the
22 month Mueller Team 
where a team 
of ONLY Democrats,
ONLY Republicans ! )

The lying to create the 
coming climate change
crisis fairy tale, is worse.

And that's why this blog exists !

We know there was 1940's
to 1970's global cooling,
because a small subset 
of scientists used 
the global temperature
data at the time,
to extrapolate a coming 
ice age disaster, and got 
a large amount of attention
in the mainstream press,
in the mid-1970's. 

The remainder of scientists,
who rarely made long term
climate predictions, 
most likely because
no one knew the future 
climate, watched 
and learned: 
 Making scary long term
climate predictions got
lots of attention, and 
attention leads to government
grants, to study the disaster 
you just predicted with great

Starting with the fake coming 
ice age scare in the 1970's,
climate science morphed into
the science fraud of scary,
always wrong, coming
climate change crisis
predictions, supported by 
constantly "adjusted",
global average
historical ( hysterical )
temperature data.

Anyone who takes seriously 
the arm waving hysterical
predictions of a coming 
climate change catastrophe,
is a fool, and I don't care how
many college degrees you have.

You've been had by the climate 
change crisis delusion, just like
some of you were fooled by the
Trump Russian Collusion 
Delusion ( but not Ye Editor, 
who wrote about that evidence free
political dirty trick on his politics
blog in Fall 2016 ).

I also pointed out 
the evidence-free Iraqi
weapons of mass destruction 
con job in my economics 
newsletter BEFORE the US
invaded Iraq. 

Very few subscribers 
renewed after that 
feature article. 

And so-called friends,
who I am no longer
in contact with, 
argued with me at
our dining room table
after being invited
over for dinner !

I'm offended when people
in "Warshington DC" lie to 
the American public, and 
I'm good at detecting lies.

I was also offended when candidate
Trump made SO MANY promises,
( that no President could ever deliver ), 
during his 2016 campaign.

This climate science blog,
since 2014, and my 
politics blog, since 2016,
exist only because I am 
offended by people lying
to the American public !

End of rap (and end of my
ranting and raving too ).

Richard Greene
Bingham Farms, Michigan
June 29, 2019