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Thursday, June 6, 2019

The CO2 is Evil Cult -- Magical Thinking

The CO2 is Evil Cult has a 
secular religious belief 
that CO2 controls 
the climate of our planet, 
adding CO2 to the atmosphere 
has no benefits, and 
adding more CO2 will cause 
a climate catastrophe 
at some time in the future. 
In the past, CO2 levels actually followed warming trends by hundreds of years -- they never once caused global warming.
The CO2 is Evil Cult claims it's a “fact” that CO2 causes warming, but can't explain why CO2 levels higher than today happened during colder times.
Humans have been burning fossil fuels for over 100 years, yet the coming climate crisis never shows up ... because it exists only in the over-active imaginations of perpetually unhappy leftists.
Nothing can change their minds -- their fantastic theories can't be falsified.
The CO2 is Evil Cult are the "trained parrots" of climate alarmism, faithfully responding to any challenge by loudly squawking character attacks, and memorized talking points that make no sense.
The CO2 is Evil Cult ignores the fact that CO2 levels today are close to the lowest ever on our planet, meaning that CO2 levels much higher than today did NOT end life on this planet -- in fact, life flourished when CO2 levels were high.
The alleged "solution" for their imaginary CO2 crisis, is for everyone to to do as they say, without questions ! 
No debate is allowed, except over how much money to spend "fighting" the imaginary coming climate crisis !
Their latest "glorious solution" is the Green New Deal, that reads like a Communist Manifesto, and is clearly intended to destroy the US economy as we know it, at an amazing ten year cost of $50 to $100 trillion.
Even if this risky "Green Ordeal" scheme was feasible, which it is not, global CO2 emissions would continue to rise ! 
The magical thinking CO2 is Evil Cult, 
requires you to believe the following,
and repeat like a "trained parrot":
CO2 is Evil Cult members have to believe past experience with global warming, with over 300 years of warming since the 1690s, which was 100% good news, is irrelevant. 
Future global warming, they insist, will be 100% bad news, and the "scientific" explanation is: " Because we say so ! "
The temperature rise since 1940, for one example, happened to be accompanied by large additions of CO2 to the air.
It was a warming rate, cause unknown, 
of only +0.8 degrees C. per century, which is a mild, harmless rate of warming ( that reality is NOT even close to what the Cult predicts for the future ). 
The CO2 is Evil climate beliefs are based entirely on their beloved computer games, sometimes deceptively called climate models. 
Those games have an average future warming rate prediction more than triple the actual warming rate since 1940 ( excluding the Russian model, that seems to make good predictions, of very mild warming, so it's ignored ).
The CO2 is Evil Cult ignores 4.5 billion years of natural climate change. 
They dismiss all natural causes of climate change as 'unimportant noise', starting sometime in the mid-20th century.
No explanation is ever given as to how, or why, natural causes of climate change allegedly no longer matter.
No logical explanation is ever given for claiming natural causes of climate change did NOT cause the 1975 to 1998 warming period, after being responsible for the 1910 to 1940 warming period, in the same century !
The CO2 is Evil Cult focuses on only 23 years, from 1975 to 1998, that happened to have had both man made CO2 emissions, and the global average temperature, both significantly rising at the same time. 
From that mere 23 years, when two variables happened to move in the same direction, which is not proof that one caused the other to rise, the CO2 is Evil Cult invented an imaginary climate change crisis.
The other 4.5 billion years of Earth's history does not seem to matter to the Cult.s.
The CO2 is Evil Cult ignores climate history, including hundreds of natural mild cooling and warming cycles, over the past 800,000 thousand years, as determined by Vostok, Antarctica ice core climate proxy studies.
The CO2 is Evil Cult bellows about the rising seas, but ignores the fact that the seas have been rising for 20,000 years, up +400 feet, and they ignore tide gauges, that show no acceleration of sea level rise associated with CO2 levels.
The CO2 is Evil Cult ignores the fact that no one started averaging the local temperature measurements until about 1880, three decades after the "Modern Warming" period is said tyo have begun ... and then they act “shocked” whenever a new high temperature is reached.  
Global average temperature data compilations started in 1880, meaning that 99.9999% of Earth's history has no real time global average temperature compilations, so no one has any idea what a "normal" global average temperature is.
The CO2 is Evil Cult ignores the fact that 1880 to 1920 thermometers had very poor global coverage, and also tended to read low, when checked against accurate modern thermometers.
The CO2 is Evil Cult ignores the abandonment of most USSR weather stations in the late 1980’s, when the USSR collapsed, That eliminated a lot of measurements from a relatively cold, and very large, nation. A nation where people lied about the cold, because the colder they claimed it was, the more heating oil and coal they were allocated by the central USSR government !


The CO2 is Evil Cult ignores the fact that a large majority of land weather stations in the US, claimed to be the best weather station network in the world, are improperly sited by US standards:

Too close to buildings, roads, runways and parking lots that all absorb heat during the day, and create “global warming” at night when the bricks, concrete and asphalt release heat, completely unlike what is measured at properly sited weather stations.
The CO2 is Evil Cult ignores the fact that one temperature “signature” of a greenhouse gas warming should be an increasing average temperature from Earth’s surface, to a temperature peak roughly six miles up, in the tropics, which does not exist.
Weather balloons and weather satellites consistently measure no temperature increase, correlating with altitude, above the Earth’s tropics, which is evidence greenhouse gases are not the primary cause of the minor increase of the global average temperature after 1975.
The CO2 is Evil Cult ignores the fact that “average temperature” is not a real measurement of something that exists.
The global average temperature is a complex statistical average of ever-changing local temperatures. 
Statistical averages are not real measurements.
No one lives in the global average temperature.
And there is no proof that any average of local temperatures, measured with weather stations whose count, locations and instruments have changed frequently over time, is a useful statistic.
Oceans are 71% of the Earth’s surface, yet sea surface temperatures were measured haphazardly by sailors on merchant ships throwing wood buckets over the side, and sticking thermometers in those buckets -- and today government bureaucrats are claiming a ridiculously small margin of error of +/- 0.1 degree C., for their global average !
Sea surface temperature 
measurement methodologies 
were changed five times:
-- Wood buckets, off ships
-- Canvas buckets, off ships
-- Insulated canvas buckets, off ships
-- Incoming ship engine cooling water
-- Buoys (data via wires to ship )
-- Buoys (automatic, ARGO floats)

Ocean temperature measurement locations were at random, but only in established shipping lanes, for many decades, mainly in the Northern Hemisphere.

. .
The distribution of surface weather stations is still uneven in 2019 -- there are still large areas of the Earth with few or no measurements:
The CO2 is Evil Cult ignores the fact that no human can predict the future climate, or future anything else !